Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] know [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The nose and beard also seemed to imply , to produce , to secrete constantly a certain kind of mind which had nothing to do with the intelligence diffused throughout the books , books that I knew so intimately , and which were permeated by a gentle and God-like wisdom . ’
2 First , the defendant might argue that he believed in the victim 's consent since she permitted penetration although he knew full well that she had no understanding of the act .
3 She really wanted a cup of tea and she knew perfectly well that Glyn would serve her up something that looked like brown shoe polish .
4 Successive personnel managers had always caved in to his demands as they knew full well that Clasper would win a stand-up fight .
5 Secondly , they were talking about types of lender that they knew well enough at least to find approachable .
6 I heard the pounding of rapid footsteps and I knew straight away that it was n't a policeman ( they wear rubber soles these days ) and then somebody yelled , ‘ Hey , you ! ’
7 You look at a crowd of people , er last , a week , a week yesterday at Wembley at the Billy Graham mission there , er we were sitting in one place and I was looking for , for some other folk and I knew approximately where they were and there I was stand , they were , all you could really see was this mass of people , very difficult to pick out individuals within them but God does n't see it as a mass like that .
8 I would have loved to have stayed because I really enjoy things like that , I love discos and get up and have a dance but I knew damn well that if I did I 'd be absolutely shattered today and I , I just would n't be with it so I , I said to Matthew I 'm going up .
9 There was a silence of a sort that he knew very well .
10 Arthur flew to London and stayed in the police morgue a long time with the body that he knew as closely as his own , thinking of Fred 's splendid good nature , his tough-mindedness , and his humour about the absurd and even the terrible .
11 I could do a better job if I knew more about
12 I could do a better job if I knew more about
13 This was not Phoebe 's place and she knew quite simply that tomorrow morning she would go to see her own GP and organize the necessary hospital visit .
14 Cos sometimes , some take a good picture and you know straight away the kids
15 The manager had been trying to set himself up in the Business when he knew full well that Clive had the franchise .
16 They sent me to Cambridge for a couple of terms — that 's where I first realized I must run — I do n't want to blaspheme about one of your famous institutions so I sha n't tell you the name of my college though you 're longing to know — the girls in their bed-sitters , the cocoa-drinking , the tittle-tattle , the atmosphere of heartiness or domesticity in the combination-room — But , my dear , it must be getting late and here I am telling you things that you know as well as I do . ’
17 It is a region my wife and myself know very well . ’
18 Situated in the space between the constraints of childhood and having a career , these are people who dream for a while of wanting a vague something more from life , yet are saddened by these dreams because they know deep down they 'll probably relinquish them , buckle down to a life of mediocrity .
19 ‘ Eddie had his faults as you know very well ! ’
20 Industrialists do not want to return to Labour party policies because they know full well that that would mean Front-Bench Labour Members taking decisions instead of them .
21 She had the feeling that he knew very well what a struggle was going on beneath her words — and that he was amused by it .
22 First choose a state of mind , a feeling that you know particularly well .
23 Well actually people in my area do have a concern about this , also though I was brought up in my teens at least within a rural area and I know full well that to hold certain views even those of the majority within rural areas , are not necessarily easily expressed and I have today been told of yet another example of this being the case .
24 walking you will continue to support the Anti-Apartheid Movement and the A N C and Cosatu and others in South Africa that our eyes should be on the prize and that is to get democracy and the first democratic parliament in the country and after that to help in the horrendously difficult task of reconstruction and development and it is going to be a tough battle in South Africa as elsewhere and we will need to work not just for political democracy because you know so often democratic processes are misunderstood for empowerment of ordinary people and what democracy should really mean is that ordinary people have the opportunity to determine their own destiny and you know from your own advanced society and others how little power individuals have as a result of power of finance capital , of industry and of technology now .
25 He is n't my father as you know damn well ! ’
26 In our family my cousins and I knew well beforehand because there were always slightly older sisters and cousins who told us …
27 Meanwhile , she had the whole afternoon to prove to Mr All-too-sure-of-himself Blake that she knew exactly how to behave like a lady .
28 Probably because it is a bit of a risk but they know full well what their doing , the rules and regulations
29 The uncharacteristic fuss and fluster in Ivy 's manner was surely a proof that she knew only too well which letter he was talking about and was in mortal dread of the family finding out .
30 Irina had the idea that I knew certainly as much of the truth behind the events as anyone and possibly more .
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