Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] must [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After being among the first of the former Soviet republics to fight to free itself from the embrace of Moscow , it has now come full circle with the recognition that it must look East as well as West for its own benefit .
2 For instance , if the defendant tells a taxi driver that he must get money from his flat and the driver agrees , does he make off ?
3 Giving you a fair deal means that he should follow a reasonable procedure before taking a final decision that you must part company .
4 I expressed my gratitude , but explained to the Queen that I must ask leave to go away and see if I could form an administration .
5 Sadly — we are not doing very well in any of these areas and we must take heed of the suggestions put forward by the N.D.O. and Trainers and any other good ideas proposed .
6 ‘ Efforts were made to find sponsorship and I must admit Merseyside was not specifically targeted .
7 Some nations , faced with the European political , economic and cultural offensive , drew the conclusion that they must adopt Europe 's weapons if they were to resist .
8 But we 've had a very good evening and we must thank Mr for it .
9 In November 1958 he told the Western powers that they must leave Berlin within six months and make it a ‘ free city ’ , or he would sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany .
10 I do enjoy the magazine , and on the whole feel that you do a good job based on the difficulties that you must have keeping it interesting .
11 It was the knowledge that she must leave Susan that hurt most of all .
12 No , no I ca n't I just ca n't eat so I 'm not forcing myself to eat , what I 'm trying to do is only to eat the right things and I must start vitamin supplements I think I 've got the age when I probably need that , I mean , this cold is a warning to me that my immune system is not as strong as it ought to be , I should n't have had another cold so soon after getting rid of one !
13 The state lacks integrity because it must endorse principles to justify part of what it has done that it must reject to justify the rest .
14 Unlike fresh water plumbing , which is covered by the water bye-laws , the drainage system is covered by Building Regulations , which are administered by the Building Control Officer at your local authority and you must provide details of material alterations or additions that you propose to make to the drainage system of your house .
15 But we must have a common code and we must have licensing , ’ he said .
16 Once we accept that our officials act in the name of a community of which we are all members , bearing a responsibility we therefore share , then this reinforces and sustains the character of collective guilt , our sense that we must feel shame as well as outrage when they act unjustly .
17 We are part of Europe and we must stay part of Europe .
18 The farming industry must be seen to make an example of the few who put the food industry at risk and they must put farming facts in perspective .
19 The main criticism of transcendent philosophies is that though the ideas are beautiful and those who live by their precepts can be happy , yet men ask what relevance the philosophies have for our modern world of materialism where we must make progress and raise humanity out of starvation and ignorance .
20 The council has only ten land agents and they must formulate management agreements for any of the 3800 SSSIs in Britain .
21 ‘ In three years ' time we might have still been in very good shape but we must take steps to protect the UK as a manufacturing base . ’
22 A lot depends on women because we must show men what we are capable of .
23 Only the Barrier is new : a long row of big silver bathtubs upended in the water , waiting for that one freak high tide when it must stop London sinking beneath the rushing sea .
24 The fact that we must spend time in activities or surroundings which we find distasteful in support of a relationship is the cost of that relationship .
25 If there 's one thing I think I 'm sure of , it 's the fact that I must marry Selina .
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