Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] [be] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 40 windsurfers share with 30 dinghy sailors and non-sailing friends , in this flexible resort where it 's possible for windsurfers to sail in Toppers or Lasers , and where the dinghy sailors can easily dabble in a little windsurfing .
2 He needs to persuade foreigners that it is safe for them to lend the best part of £1000 million a week to the Treasury ; and he needs to persuade Britons that it is safe for them to start spending their money again .
3 The UK Parliament is certainly not widely regarded as being at all competent in the scrutiny which it exercises over public spending , and few people are under the illusion that it is difficult for government departments to deceive MPs and Select Committees about necessary levels of expenditure and unnecessary levels of waste .
4 It is no mere epilogue , but a striking demonstration that it was possible for men and women to co-operate in the printing trade .
5 Although I suggested in the last chapter that it was easier for Brian Way than for Peter Slade to challenge the formal drama traditions within the schools , it could not be said that either of them had very much impact on what drama meant and still means to interested people outside our educational institutions .
6 However , one still hears all sorts of rumours to the effect that it is possible for others to obtain information , yet one or two of my constituents found it difficult to obtain information about the identity of a car owner involved in an accident .
7 Women 's Cooperative Guild members also contrasted them unfavourably with their own more democratic Guild meetings , deploring the way in which ‘ ladies came and lectured on the domestic affairs in the workers ’ homes that it was impossible for them to understand' .
8 By the mid-1960s opponents of the Unionists were firmly convinced that the party , both in the Guildhall and in Stormont , made a simple equation that what was good for Derry was bad for the Unionists and vice versa .
9 I accept [ counsel 's ] submission that it is relevant for this court to have regard to the fact that in Australia there is no longer any home or any financial support for the mother and for the boys , a situation for which the mother bears no greater responsibility than the father .
10 It would therefore be incredibly naive to conclude from the PIMS data that it is erroneous for companies to increase capital intensity — when their snapshot was taken by PIMS they might still have been waiting for their day to come .
11 In a fine speech that preceded the president 's , Colin Powell , the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , said in essence that it was wrong for servicemen to hold back respect for their commander-in-chief simply because of what he did long ago .
12 It comes in a streamlined compact so it 's ideal for popping into a tiny bag .
13 I gave her another bottle of Arg Nit LM1 with less alcohol in it and she had an excellent response for 10 days , then the pains returned so she stopped the remedy and she was well for two weeks .
14 There are clearly going to be conflicts between what is good for individual animals and what is good for a population , species or ecosystem .
15 ‘ We scored some quality goals and it was good for the fans whose support so far this season has been fantastic . ’
16 Miles better probably than the Manager ever anticipated ; he 's delighted they 're up there , I tell ya and you know , it 's my old club and I 'm pleased for them in that way , but I wan na see us finish off well , but pass the ball .
17 But Manchester United are a world-famous club and I was ready for a new challenge . ’
18 TIE Rack has got a great selection of ties and they 're great for Father 's Day presents , either as a little-extra or for those who ca n't afford to splash out .
19 As he explains ( 1987 , pp. 19–20 ) the essential objective was to ‘ find out what was happening in my department and who was responsible for making it happen , who had set the targets , what the targets were and whether they were being monitored .
20 Having been synthesized it has to be transported to the part of the cell in which it is required ; there it will remain for its lifetime of hours , weeks or months until it is due for renewal , when it is pulled out of place in the cell and broken down by enzymes as quickly as it was previously synthesized , its building blocks ( the amino acids ) being recycled in the synthesis of other proteins .
21 Milan is full of excellent coffee shops and it is better for the visitor to choose what appears to be best for him , her or them .
22 The great asset of symbolic modelling is just this , learning does not have to depend entirely on practice and it is possible for collective knowledge to accumulate .
23 Arianna and I were wrong for each other in dozens of ways .
24 We shall also be supported by the National Display Team and teams from Essex , Herts , Kent and Surrey and we are grateful for the contributions .
25 Had she known more about healthy eating and what was right for her body , she might well have been able to prevent most of the problems that she experienced .
26 Setting up/lighting method : the burner unit is simply screwed directly onto the gas cartridge to engage the valve and it 's ready for use .
27 girls they go shopping like but they always got another carrier did n't they until they got sold and then when er they 're on the next road from their house like take the carrier and it 's all for her .
28 The female keeps her eggs and growing young in her mouth until they are ready for the outside world .
29 They are mineral salts which are contained in the blood plasma of the horse and they are vital for fluid balance .
30 It 's not a marvellous touring aircraft but it is suitable for trekking in a way that a Tomahawk or 152 is n't .
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