Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] [noun] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 " Real work , " he emphasised , with a proud but discreet smile , inviting Alice with his eyes and his manner to understand him .
2 I feel that it shows itself in the contrast between the child 's — we 're talking about children for the moment , although obviously there are dyslexic adults — it shows itself in the contrast between the person 's ability to express him or herself in words and their ability to put it down on paper and to read it off paper , and it 's this contrast which often arouses one 's suspicions that there might be some problem and , having gone into it a little , we find that it stems from a failure of the sensory motor system — the brain is n't processing the information it 's receiving through the ear and eye .
3 McIllvanney must have been Billingsley 's source for the policeman 's information about my boat and my plans to repair her .
4 ‘ Bearing in mind that it will be Ian McGeechan 's last game as Scotland coach , it 's a perfect setting for Gavin and his side to give him a fitting send-off , ’ said Best , who will be taking a video of the Murrayfield game back with him and will spend this week poring over it , looking at both the performances of Scotland and potential Lions .
5 But none was forthcoming from Xanthe , and the silence , like so many in Miranda 's experience , quickened her panic and her urge to make her mark .
6 AIAS [ Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies ] tried to get in touch with Gould and his publishers to ask them to withdraw the book from sale , or at least remove this photo .
7 I think it would be much more effective if the one who was meant to be the hardhat and who might be expected to let the other one drown in fact saves the other one even though he thinks his ideas about the Indians and his plan to baptise them when they get to the Orinoco are blasphemous .
8 She used to get angry and go and pull the bedclothes off Anthony and his friends to make them get up and get out .
9 As Japan 's strength grew , so did her ambitions on the Asian mainland and her ability to advance them .
10 Lecture after lecture , accompanied by complaints about the futility of lectures and his reluctance to give them .
11 The Ayrshire Tory MP is well known for his un-compromising attitude on a variety of topics — nows our chance to find out what he 's got to say about child-care provision and your chance to tackle him on the governments record to date .
12 She might fight him , resent him , even hate him for condemning her on Matilda 's word alone , but she could n't deny his need or her longing to satisfy it .
13 The most important factor in keeping arrears down to the lowest possible level was exercising proper care in granting mortgage loans , checking the applicant 's income , his previous borrowing record , verifying that the property was relevant to the borrower 's needs and his ability to maintain it in good order .
14 And it 's a great way for Silvia and your brother to pay me back for trying to interfere in their sordid little love-affair .
15 Their hatred of Wilson and their determination to undermine him had become legendary and earned him support in unexpected places .
16 I am fairly constantly approached either by the honour-seeker or his wife to assist him to feature in the list .
17 Folly was n't sure if her growing feeling of euphoria was due to Luke 's excitement about the Rose Bowl 's possibilities — or the commitment to the future of their relationship that his willingness to help her implied .
18 It was possible that all this business with my dad was a deliberate ploy by Argol and his pals to destabilize yours truly .
19 Her father 's belief that people made their own luck was true , Cora-Beth thought , when by lunchtime the following day Harry had finished his business with the architect and her ruse to have him to herself for a few hours paid off .
20 It would have been inconsiderate of the King and his wife to spare them their self-imposed task ; to dismiss the sweating craftsmen to their homes to enjoy the feast-time in front of a longfire with their wives and children , or drinking with the Earl in his comfortable timber hall , well fired and warmly hung , on the opposite shore .
21 Choose you character and which hole to send him down .
22 and Ruth says I commit myself to him , he will now be my god , and therefore your people will be my people , your home will be my home , your destiny will be my destiny the way is clear , she makes that greatest decision of her life , a decision that will affect the whole of her life but its not as say a life decision is a commitment now , we , we , we are always confronted , day after day we are confronted to make decisions , some of you make decisions and were not too committed about them , and if things alter they will change our minds , not just a ladies prerogative to change her mind , men do it as well and things happen and we think oh no well , I wo n't go through with that I 'll change my mind before its too late , but here Ruth she is not just making a decision , she is making a total commitment , a commitment that is worth time of the whole of her life , to promised to be loyal to de to Naomi and her deceased husband , she promises loyalty to Naomi 's race and the people of god , but above all she acknowledge 's Naomi 's god and her willingness to follow him to the end , you know this , how she finishes of this commitment where you die I will die its to the end its to the end of my life , I will not walk out of it and even after you 've gone mother in law , even after you are dead I am still committed to that decision , this decision I am making today where you die I will die , there I will be buried , and here she sorts of puts this solemn vow to this commitment , thus may the lord to do me and worse if any thing but death parts you and me .
23 The defendants denied liability and , in particular , that they were liable to pay any part of the additional £10,300 because their agreement to pay it was not supported by any consideration .
24 Not only did many teachers in many schools meet in library committees to discuss for the first time their common interests and sometimes contrasting perspectives with other members of subject departments across the school ; they also , for the first time , were forced to consider seriously the pedagogy implied by their present use or misuse of the resources already on offer or their failure to use them .
25 ‘ Come with me , ’ he said , without expression on his face , his voice or his body to tell her what he was thinking .
26 As E. R. Curtius has pointed out , the pious attitude of the Romans to their past and their tendency to regard it as if it were a part of the present signified a kind of timelessness that excluded a genuinely historical view of the world and was very different from our sense of temporal perspective .
27 She took the revolver , the bullets and her coat to wrap them in , and began to walk towards the woods .
28 The most important element was the difficulty that reformers had in distinguishing between their desire to protect the young girls who were the objects of their concern and their desire to control them .
29 Without her wishing it to be so , it seemed in the nature of things for her always to seek favour and her mistress to bestow it .
30 In the North-West Frontier Province ( NWFP ) , the PPP coalition administration of Chief Minister Aftab Sherpao successfully resisted the attempts of the IJI and its allies to unseat it , but only at the cost of offering government jobs and incentives to secure the support of independents .
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