Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] [verb] of the " in BNC.

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1 The review that we undertook of the calls shows that the peak demands in are between eight A M and twelve midnight , so the four officers will work a sixteen hour duty scheme er of eight till four , four til midnight , and then the cover between midnight and A M will come fr eight A M will come from as it does at present .
2 It is said of some speeches that they smell of the lamp .
3 They 've not in the past shown themselves to be very honest erm nor very keen on going into their own archives , and I think it 's , actually takes people like me , who live on the border-lines if you like of the two cultures , to go in and discover erm sometimes embarrassing documents , embarrassing information , to confront them with it , in their own language , so that they have to take stock .
4 She could not communicate with their static sky-fires but she watched/felt/learned of the realities of Spiderglass on the Earth of a century before , back when industry meant manufacture or service and did n't encompass its environments or political power .
5 They clearly have social , economic and political ramifications and affect man 's relationship with his fellow man : all men are brothers because they partake of the same reality and share the same Ātman .
6 Constance smiled in the dark as she thought of the chaste kisses she had allowed Nicky .
7 A smile came to his lips as he thought of the thing he had bought Fei Yen that very evening , after he had come from the boy .
8 Remember George Seawright when you speak of the brave ,
9 Remember George Seawright when you speak of the brave ,
10 Ask voters to say what comes to mind when they think of the Labour Party and a large proportion mention , ‘ the unions ’ , ‘ strikes ’ , ‘ the winter of discontent ’ , and ‘ the three-day week ’ , even though this last event occurred under Mr Heath .
11 Er well I think the experience that I gained of the the kind of erm living situation erm because I you know we underwent the same kind of difficulties .
12 By the very nature of our work , we Met girls knew many more of the air crews than we did of the ground staff .
13 It was with much regret that I learned of the sad passing of Jack Golder ( Shergold guitars ) on 9th April ‘ 92 , via the obituary published in your June issue .
14 And the , the incredible er spectacle that we have of the endless three , four , five hundred page biography is based on no evidence at all , because we know very very little about this man , except that he was a shareholder in the theatre , a very very minor actor , the sort yes , who would have minded the costumes .
15 The texts that we have of the whole Canterbury Tales are made up of a number of fragments or groups , which vary in contents from single isolated tales to sequences of several tales connected by link passages .
16 What of course you 're saying here , it comes out here in 's letter , er , the structure , because er you said earlier that you realize now that we 're looking , we 're filling in the , in the gaps if you like of the local organizations .
17 Labour was moving on as a renewed party — ‘ a party that cares as much about consumers as it cares about producers ; a party that wants to make the economy work as much as it wants to change the economy ; a party that embraces as much of the green as it does of the red ’ .
18 On occasions Mr Parry was seen to wring his hands as he struggled with his emotions when he spoke of the impact of recent events , since the double IRA bomb blast cut down Tim and three-year-old Johnathan Ball in Warrington town centre on Saturday March 20 .
19 ‘ I know of the Gruagach King 's plans and I know of the charlatan Fael-Inis . ’
20 He showed the notarised notebooks of April 1986 demonstrating the range of materials , including not just palladium but several other metals , that was being used two and a half years before they learned of the work by Fleischmann and Pons .
21 I bow my head in shame when I think of the countries we 've looted and the people we 've subjugated .
22 the Far East , including Japan , Australasia and South America are among the areas that bring a gleam to his eye when he talks of the future .
23 Goodness when I think of the moving they must have done , the trunks they must have packed .
24 With some exceptions , the gentry and clergy readily accepted the Restoration in 1660 ; few went as far as the Reverend Dr William Oughtred who , at the age of 86 , ‘ died of excess of joy when he heard of the restoration of the monarchy ’ .
25 Is the Secretary of State aware that it is almost three years to the day that we heard of the Clapham rail tragedy , which was caused by faulty signalling and negligence ?
26 On the same day that he heard of the post at Shrewsbury , however , another letter reached him , addressed in an unfamiliar hand .
27 For all those who sit on European committees , the CAP is the main criticism that we have of the Community 's work .
28 so we could have reduced that , and I think that is the criticism that I make of the Conservatives , not that the Conservatives in this council have done that , but that they should be apologizing for it .
29 We went about a mile before they tired of the effort involved , and I did n't mean to go much further in any case because according to the map I had in my pocket we were by then in about the centre of the western spur of the Quillersedge woods .
30 IRISH Prime Minister Albert Reynolds came under Unionist fire last night after he spoke of the importance of the Republic 's constitution to nationalists north of the border .
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