Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adj] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to UNEP 's figures , desertification is taking as much land out of agricultural use as exploiters of one kind or another are clearing in the rainforests :
2 There should be the the aca station if you like , there should be the documentation , and it certainly seems in the New Testament that that is speaking with other tongues , it 's not the only thing of course .
3 ‘ You do realize the effect that this is having on us ? ‘ he said .
4 And imagine the demoralizing effect that this is having on them .
5 You 've made up your mind and that 's going to be it .
6 And if you recall when my Colonel read John plaque it attributes to him er the aid in assisting us at in the establishment of that memorial museum , John gave us a er and sort of took that apart and hauled it over to and it was flown back to the States and that 's going to be a briefing operations room for the museum itself .
7 And apparently these other lads further down , to the tune of about a hundred and fifty yards , had all lifted the boards up on the belt and so all their slack and that was coming to me .
8 we asked for space , and they said oh mid April , and that actually is the next schedule step down action and that 's going to be on Europe and that 'll run from April till June , erm but from now till April if anybody would like to write the country which is Chile and this is because they 're , they suppose that they have extend the death penalty in Chile to include the murder of an off duty police witnesses , at the moment it 's only erm , the death penalty only exists for on duty police officers
9 There 's a Fair Isle but that 's a Norwegian because this was happening in Norway , Iceland , everything that , in the cold climes where they 've got a nice woollen spun yarn .
10 He believes that the jets come from areas where material is evaporating from the surface more slowly than in surrounding regions .
11 Cloud has been affecting most parts of the Midlands today but not quite as much as up there in Scotland although that 's gon na make a bit of an impression on us tomorrow .
12 half are going to Rovers and half are going round Cadburys place
13 B and that 's gon na be C .
14 Er , the method of funding is changed for these programmes and this is leading to particular problems for the Horizons Agency .
15 Kristin and Sabine were sitting on the beach .
16 B could thus be an aide-memoire for MAS proposals if MAS is acting for the purchaser .
17 The one that he 's done so far was at the end of December and erm he is going to do one to the end of March and that 's going to be a regular thing .
18 Now , it 's not clear to me at the moment that that is going to be the direction , say , of the Roman Catholic Church , because we seem to have a much more conservative Pope and there are conservative movements growing up in all the churches , you 've only got to look at Reagan 's America and the way you find counterparts to that kind of religious conservatism in all the European countries .
19 There 's tremendous under-development in Prague at the moment and that 's gon na take off .
20 We knew then that he was an absolutely first-class actor and that was going to be his profession .
21 I sometimes think that some of my hon. Friends who would like to see the tax in some way equalised between one place and another are hankering after a tax which this tax is not .
22 Nevertheless , if there is any sense in which capitalism can develop the Third World , and there is evidence that this is happening in some countries or in some sectors , then the theoretical elaboration of the idea of dependency reversal may be useful .
23 No I , I think there is , there is a lot of evidence that this is happening in all of the villages
24 The first sign that this was happening in Langbaurgh came shortly after 1am , as the votes came in from Marske and Longbeck , Marton and Nunthorpe .
25 Recently a remedy was introduced that can be added to the pond water and this is proving to be successful .
26 was a great man but the only problem was he left a vested interested in the National Health Service and that 's coming to the fore .
27 There were all sorts of jokes about National Service and this was going to be one of them — the barracks filled with misfits who no more wanted to wear a khaki uniform than they felt like taking poison ( which some of them thought was what they were given three times a day in the cookhouse ) .
28 My father taught me that there is only one thing more boring in life than listening to other people 's dreams and that is listening to stories about their operations ; and I only tell mine now because those I had during the early 1980s are as good an example as any of how modern medicine has helped to prolong life ; without them it is unlikely that I would be sitting here writing this .
29 However , there will be environmental pressures on packaging and this is going to be a major factor .
30 Counsel submitted that two persons could not be found guilty of murdering the same person unless each was acting in concert with the other .
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