Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] just [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As he values the entire UK direct sales market at about £1,000m , this means his association already represents 20% of the total — ‘ not bad ’ , he reckons , ‘ for an association that has just been launched ’ .
2 Commenting on the performance , Geoff Burns , a director of Murray Johnstone , said : ‘ We are pleased with the progress of the unlisted portfolio , with one investment that has just been floated and the prospect of two to come , including Stagecoach in three weeks ’ time .
3 Many of the dozens of books that have just been published in the Autumn list were meant to take advantage of the surge of interest caused by the World Cup ; but a few will simply be killed by the rush , lost for ever .
4 I am pleased that , in the new settlement that has just been announced , we have secured an extra £9 million of capital funding for the higher education institutions .
5 Later , at home , my Dad puts up another five shelves in my bedroom to display the trophies that have just been delivered by Securicor .
6 RUSTLERS will get the trots if they eat two stolen sheep that had just been given de-worming chemicals , Northumberland police warned .
7 The farmer sent him to keep a flock of larks off a field that had just been set with winter corn : ‘ It was late November or early December ; and when it got dark about half past four time I made my way back to the farm thinking my job was done .
8 He was also carrying £70,000 which he was depositing in a bank for payment for the work that had just been completed .
9 Because , about a week before John drew our attention to that matter of concern , I had prayerfully chosen a theme for tonight , based on the set gospel — the passage that has just been read to us from the first chapter of John .
10 This signalled the arrival of the half of the school that had NOT been early for assembly , who tried to enter the sports hall at the same time as the half that had just been thrown out tried to exit .
11 Will my hon. Friend give greater and more sympathetic consideration to the question that has just been asked , because those of us who understand cask-conditioned ale — real beer — know that it is extremely damaging for it to be dispensed under pressure ?
12 Mr Williams recently received the Lympus prize in his FRCO exams and has just been offered a place at the Royal Academy of Music to study organ performance .
13 ‘ Most of the residents are there on a permanent basis , but there 's a brand-new wing that has just been opened and is almost exclusively for short-term patients — people like Jennifer who ca n't be left alone , who need constant attention . ’
14 I will want to come back on the same point that 's just been made , but if before I get to that there are some other points that I think I should make in explanation of the lead we have given , if I may call it that , in putting forward the distribution of the Greater York total .
15 It allows us the conclusion that has just been contemplated : that the difference between causal items and their effects has its basis not only in the consideration that causal circumstances fix uniquely the occurrence of their effects , but also in the consideration that causal circumstances precede their effects .
16 It is the characteristic of the kind of Governments that have just been turned over beyond the line , in Europe .
17 One of my bigger irritations is when I have an enormously tight schedule taking me all over the country and I get calls — sometimes on my mobile phone when I 'm stuck in the middle of a field somewhere — insisting that it 's vitally important I attend a meeting that has just been scheduled for three o'clock that afternoon in London , which could easily have been planned at least two weeks earlier .
18 I had a good job as an electronics engineer and have just been given three months notice , losing all my pension rights after working 26 years for the same company .
19 Colleagues , the C E C are supporting all the motions that have just been debated , and I propose to take the vote .
20 Back at the scene of the burglary , I can remember thinking next , ‘ Oh well , I suppose I can re-wrap some of the parcels that have just been torn open ; I suppose I could use cash instead for some of the presents that have gone ; there is some way that I can cope with this . ’
21 I also take the point Mr has made , and only assure you that we will look at these figures when we get them and take on board the sorts of comments that have just been made by yourself and Mr and by and use them with our judgement applied liberally .
22 The nature of a painter 's technique is never scrutinised so closely as when a work has just been cleaned , and at the heart of the exhibition will be eight of the fourteen Titians in the Louvre 's own collection that have just been freed of their treacly , dark varnishes and retouchings .
23 On the day on which the Secretary of State gave a pledge to his party conference that everyone would have equal access to free health care , I was contacted by a constituent , Mr. Ronnie Watson , who had been waiting since September 1990 for an appointment with a consultant to discuss a possible hip operation and had just been told that he would have to wait until some unspecified date in 1992 .
24 Again , while distraction can cause forgetting during the day , this is normally confined to very recent memories which have no obvious meaning ( such as unfamiliar telephone numbers that have just been looked up ) .
25 Just George , just to respond to the two points that have just been made .
26 The latter is owned by America 's Citibank and has just been refurbished .
27 The debate over how to explain this industrial decline of cities raised many of the same questions about the nature of explanation as have just been discussed .
28 Well I think and probably the rest of the Labour group operate in a rather different way from the way that 's just been outlined .
29 Do I take it that actually the remarks that have just been made are really in favour of having a third E H O , but that in fact that that in circumstances , will not be possible .
30 But would it not get covered in soot and spoil the clean clothes that had just been washed ?
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