Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] them [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Please pass on your ideas — whether they 're articles , photographs , or cartoons — to your local correspondent or send them to me directly at Key Street , and do not hesitate to telephone on with any suggestions you may have .
2 He dragged at the covers and threw them over her .
3 ‘ We 're desperately sick for Colin and now the least we can do is make the play-offs and win them for him , ’ said Whittingham .
4 Even if you 'd been arrest if I put my eyes and rest them on you .
5 She put an arm across her eyes and opened them beneath it , seeing him in such a way that he could never be certain whether she had looked or not , naked and hairy and black as she might have imagined , thick-set and arrogant and very ready — that much at least was certain — to take her without any further preamble .
6 You shall not use any of the foregoing except in connection with our orders , and you shall maintain the same in good condition and return them to us at any time on demand or otherwise automatically on completion of this order .
7 Tom picked up Willie 's three books and gave them to him to carry .
8 He pulled out the little packet of contraceptives and showed them to her .
9 It looked like the escaping oriental had collected the two captives and taken them with him , as he led his followers to safety .
10 For ants , matricide is an act of special genetic madness and formidable indeed must be the drug that drives them to it .
11 They must have constantly wondered whether they would ever return to the world outside the moat that separated them from it , a moat that also served as a sewer .
12 I think therefore it would be advisable to make the necessary adjustments in the costumes and send them to me as soon as possible .
13 Tom Russell held out his car keys and tossed them to her .
14 There was no proper funeral , as there had been no proper wedding ceremony ; they simply hauled the waterlogged body onto a bonfire of driftwood , and even though the sea wind at dawn had made the fire hot enough to break the stones of the beach , it was six hours before the body was gone , and then they had to wait a whole day before they could rake the ashes for his bones and send them to her .
15 John wrote at length to Hanns about colour , shapes and general effect desirable , and asked him to ‘ do a few rough sketches and send them to me to give to Cecily ; number them so that I can just send you back a telegram saying ‘ Do number three ’ say , unless there is more to be said . ’
16 These are acceptable , but the witch who , at ‘ by the pricking of my thumbs ’ , held up his thumbs and twiddled them for us all to check out was excessive .
17 Can anyone photocopy the last 6/7 season stats and mail them onto me please .
18 Chaman pulled out her dentures and flourished them at us .
19 If your class is told to divide into groups by the teacher , keep a look-out for people who are not in a group and invite them into yours .
20 And I shall dip the fruit in the wine and feed them to you .
21 ‘ I shall dip the strawberries in wine and feed them to you … and your lips will be all red with the stain … ’
22 He had a bag in his hand and he was taking everyone 's passports and putting them in it .
23 before he was married his employer pictures off the wall and gave them to him
24 And she used to make up these stories and tell them to me .
25 He was older so I listened to him , so I 'd shoplift all these things and give them to him . ’
26 If you took eggs there used to always be a lady there at dinner time what used to come round and ask you what you 'd got for dinner , and then if you 'd got eggs , she used to write your name on the eggs and do them for you .
27 It is the characteristic of the Paraclete to bear witness to Jesus , to glorify Jesus , to take the things of Jesus and declare them to us ( John 15:26 , 16:13f ) .
28 She lifted the bottle and glasses and slammed them at him .
29 Fernando reached over to the dashboard and with a wry smile picked up her glasses and handed them to her .
30 ‘ Stan , ’ said Lydia , abstractedly , pulling away at the feathers of the pheasant and strewing them about her .
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