Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] we [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was brilliant to hit the goals that took us to the top , and it 's got to be the best 90 minutes of my career . ’
2 When we recall them , they conjure up other images and lead us to the peak experience .
3 We are challenged to recognise , first , that power is involved in non-decision-making , in inaction , and in non-participation , and , second , that interests are advantaged and disadvantaged by the fact that certain issues are not on the governmental agenda for complicated reasons that take us behind the scenes of the public face of policy-making and into the murky waters of the constraining role of ideas in society .
4 I would like to suggest that all activities that take us outside the practical business of living ( sacred worship , carnivals , listening to music and reading a novel , etc. , etc. ) can be seen as either subsumed under play or as extensions of it .
5 The absurdity became clearer if one imagined twenty or thirty writers from another era occupying the air-conditioned coach that took us from the Hyde Park Regis to the Riverside .
6 On Sunday morning Bishop Harris of Middlesbrough celebrated Mass and delivered the homily in which he welcomed us into his diocese and congratulated us on the work we were doing .
7 When we explained that the underwater housing was to enable us to take portraits of the fishes underwater , they dissolved into disbelieving laughter and ushered us into the country .
8 Well it was a large double-fronted house and it was sand-bagged all round and there were tables and to er , administer , you know , wardens in the unevent of air raids which they used to do and they used to patrol the streets looking for lights to see if pe my nan actually got fined once cos she , she event inadvertently went into a room and put the light on and forgot she 'd left the curtains open and an air raid warden happened to be around she , she got hauled into court and fined five pounds for that , er she er I , I once I was just thinking the other day just telling a friend of mine , they had an actual practice air raid once and in some old buildings in the Burchells and we as kids had to go and lie in there and wait till we 'd got a tag on and what would happen to us a label and they took us to the first aid post in , an ambulance came and picked us up on a stretcher and took us to the first aid post in Road .
9 and then er dad and Mike come down in the Sierra and met us in the pub .
10 The 1973 Act extended beyond planning blight and takes us into the much broader area of the law relating to compensation .
11 The acquisition of a skill is a tortuous process that takes us through the following sequence :
12 MURDER , love affairs , violence , robberies , mounting debts … our soap operas are packed full of every gloomy scenario that surrounds us in the real world .
13 Fiver came into the warren and told us about the snare , and that poor Bigwig — "
14 Of course , how this policy might be arrived at is an issue in its own right and takes us into the field of school-focused inservice work and curriculum development .
15 They protect the organs of the body and insulate us from the cold .
16 It will be white with a god-like figure like those Tibetan Buddhist temples which reflect the old vision of the winged disc and prepare us for the new .
17 And the big , one of the big things that affected us in the last few years was er Dallas .
18 Apart form the Air Mont blanc Cessna that buzzed us in the late afternoon , if not the whole range , to ourselves .
19 Kozyrev highlighted the spirit of co-operation between the two sides : " We worked as friends and allies standing on one side of the barricade of all the problems that beset us on the other . "
20 In the flickering firelight Kalchu beseeched him , ‘ Lord , you are the one who , when we have nothing , feeds us with water and clothes us with the wind .
21 So it was that the eight of us ended up , kit gleaming in the spring sunshine , awaiting the arrival of the man who would diagnose our ills , administer a local anaesthetic and set us on the road to perfect health .
22 Separation releases the brakes of the inhibition and frees us in the two worlds .
23 We brought the figure down having at le , and waited two years and that 's th , I think that proves the lad 's foundation to the argument of how desperate the fire service need , need this station and it has absolutely nothing to do with Dovelands school er er whatsoever as far as I 'm concerned , I 'm the spokesperson for public protection not education and that 's it and er I 'm surprised er er that I know erm er er that Mr is is a very , very good supporter of the er southern fire station and supported us in the er in the er question we asked at the last council er meeting and er I 'm surprised he has n't spoke or even Mr who er , who likes to s , who likes to speak in the chamber but I 've has n't supported the fire station .
24 He called his acceptance of human sexuality and respect for the female energy Red Thread Zen , acknowledging that life itself would not exist if not for the umbilical cord that connects us to the feminine .
25 Common usage has sifted these terms and left us with the most expressive .
26 A German interested in the project was visiting Cirencester and saw our trees and asked us about the clippings .
27 ‘ Before training , Barry called a meeting and said the chairman had accused us of being greedy bastards and blamed us for the fine .
28 Unlike the singer-songwriter creed , attention is always drawn away from the song to the figure of the person working at it : there 's a flagrant exhibitionism that forces us into the role of voyeur .
29 We always promote the sons-of-bitches that kick us in the ass ! ’
30 But it made me think of the voice that sent us to the bar ; he whispered then .
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