Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] he of the " in BNC.

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1 Lucie slipped the scarlet waistcoat off Gabriel 's shoulders and skinned him of the white silk shirt .
2 But William 's grandad was too busy working to notice or care , riding shotgun to a great clattering brute of a knitting machine that reminded him of the Irish cobs he 'd broken in for the brewery ; he could knit thirty fully fashioned stockings an hour , sixteen hours a day .
3 The heavy labour not only fought the flab around his waist but cured him of the insomnia he had suffered from for so many years .
4 When Vivien appeared on the set badly made-up , with her wig perched ridiculously high on her head and refusing to alter a single thing , Asher reluctantly called Olivier and told him of the problems .
5 By the time Adam and Billie were drinking their coffees , the contact had interrupted Kragan at a training meeting and told him of the two foreigners in the Bellevue Hotel who were enquiring about the Dresden Heide .
6 An undated letter from the abbess to Edward , probably written at this juncture , wished him prosperity in his affairs and reminded him of the convent 's special relationship with the English crown .
7 The officer did not invite the defendant to express a preference for giving blood or urine but warned him of the consequences of failure to provide a specimen and gave him the opportunity to put forward any reasons why a specimen of blood could not be taken by a doctor .
8 He could not obtain compensation from the person who had caused the accident and sued his employer for failing to provide insurance or advising him of the need to take out insurance .
9 Afterwards Churchill is supposed to have sent a note to the Marshal , thanking him for his hospitality and reminding him of the details of their verbal agreements of the night before the morning after .
10 He looked down at Thornton and informed him of the new management attitude .
11 Unable to hold his excitement , Clark telephoned Professor Frank Cox of King 's College London and told him of the results .
12 The West Ham manager , Billy Bonds , who has already fined Dicks and stripped him of the club captaincy , admitted yesterday : ‘ It is obvious we have had a disciplinary problem this season and it is something we are going to have to try to put straight .
13 The economist 's role in all this is essentially to make the policy-maker aware of these trade-offs and to advise him of the suitability of alternative policy tools for the achievement of objectives .
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