Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] that [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 This is a special category of holiday that can often prove the best change or rest that you can have .
2 Where appropriate the court can expressly prohibit examination or assessment or state that it shall not take place unless the court directs otherwise ( s38(7) ) .
3 Please tick the relevant boxes if you require further details , or would like to make a donation or feel that you can help us and return this form to the appropriate address below .
4 set aside an amount of money or identified that we would need to spend an amount of money and perhaps we need to do that sooner .
5 If you have any queries or think that you may not be obtaining your full pension entitlement , you should contact your local Social Security office as soon as possible .
6 The incomer might not agree to any existing house rules or feel that they can ignore them because they were not party to them initially .
7 Five others either declared their candidacy or announced that they would soon do so : Edmund G. ( Jerry ) Brown Jr , Governor of California in 1975-83 ; Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ; Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa ; Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska , and Governor L. Douglas Wilder of Virginia .
8 His mind filled with primitive lore and with a sense of awkwardness at the numerous exhausting social roles he had to play in addition to that of the London banker , Eliot wrote to Mary Hutchinson in 1920 worrying about his inherited characteristics and suggesting that he might be a savage himself .
9 Philip shut his eyes and prayed that she would hit Rebel .
10 She 's always nervously brushing the hair out of her eyes and saying that she ca n't come out with Howard because she has to go and see a client .
11 Working outside is difficult in the fresh snow and when the wind picks up again we admit defeat and agree that we will stay another night .
12 They now wanted to explain all this to Mrs Singh and hoped that I would be able to explain the implications of what they were going to say .
13 The PA report was supposed to justify the Government 's programme and ensure that they could press ahead with what they wanted to do .
14 Could you offer her a cup of tea and say that I 'll be er about fifteen minutes or so ?
15 We wish him and his wife good health and happiness for the future and hope that he will keep in touch .
16 She did turn her head then , but only to smile at David and marvel that he could look so happy ; but even as she watched his face seemed to grow colder and he nodded .
17 Odinga ridiculed the attempt and maintained that he would continue as chairman .
18 Many teachers were unsure that they would get much out of the appraisal and felt that it would change little , especially in the light of probable cuts in spending in education .
19 The other two had evidently been in hospital longer than I had , and they were like children let out of school , peering through the unblacked-out part of the window at the bright lights in the shops and rejoicing that they would be home for Christmas .
20 If you have a car and feel that you might be able to help , please give your name and telephone number to one of the people you will see at the back of church with a board and pencil .
21 ‘ When we were waiting to be questioned by the police , Doug Wilson was saying that Rodney had been making a play for Angy and hinting that he might have got somewhere . ’
22 I handed over my life 's savings and promised that I would give her the other nineteen and six before the year was up .
23 We could only dispose of this debris in the raging Shyok and hope that it would eventually be carried , via the Indus , to the northern frontiers of Pakistan — a region I well remember for its almost total lack of any suitable fuel container !
24 One could balance a crystal vase on his shoulders and know that it would never fall .
25 They were not thought particularly interesting , until , in 1952 , Herring and Galt chanced to bend some tin whiskers and noticed that they could be bent to a strain of about 2 per cent and still recover elastically .
26 I will comment , as I repeatedly do , on the determination of everyone in Ulster to end violence and to ensure that they can get back to living normal lives .
27 I descended the stairs half-naked to one of the yelling bedrooms and announced that I would have to leave .
28 Master-in-charge , Austin Jessop , was quick to stress the excellence of the Newington side and to suggest that they would almost certainly have won either at the end of the tour or into a domestic season .
29 Following his arrest Abe announced his resignation from the LDP but stated that he would not resign from the Diet .
30 Curiously , Gill and Jackson are aware of the problem of identity confusion but believe that it can be avoided if black children are placed transracially when very young : ‘ it is possible that older black children may , by the time a placement has occurred , have already internalised a definition of themselves as being black and that this definition may jeopardise the possibility of integration and emotional identification within a white family ’ ( p. 138 ) .
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