Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , how could she look into his eyes and convince him she would n't touch him with a ten-foot pole when every time he came within a few feet of her she quivered inside , remembering the fierce and all too brief pressure of his mouth on hers ?
2 The PCAS has accused UCCA of poaching after the universities ' system approached polytechnics and told them it would delay the deadline for its 1993 handbook by two weeks to allow them to join .
3 She 'd come this far to say her piece and say it she would , come hell or high water .
4 She caught up with Pascoe by the lifts and told him she would like to talk .
5 Brandishing a knife taken from the kitchen , the gang took all three to separate bedrooms and told them they would be stabbed if they did not reveal where their valuables were .
6 ‘ Now , I want to put a bit of steel through the side and remind them we ca n't have nice games all the time .
7 Before she could ask whom he intended to marry this time he said , ‘ After you left and I had that final bust-up with Marc I rang Marianne and told her she could do better than marry a penniless school-kid . ’
8 I just put on my superior knowledgeable look and tell her she 'll be told when she 's older .
9 ‘ I want to thank you for this opportunity and tell you I will do my very best for you . ’
10 All they do is give you some ointment and tell you it 'll drop out in its own good time .
11 My wife has been looking at some furniture catalogues and tells me we would need about £1000 per chair .
12 And in order to write about those things that upset him he would have to think about them .
13 She liked to plan everything — meals , shopping expeditions — in painstaking detail ; she was — again like Sophie — an extremely efficient housekeeper , always turning mattresses and telling me I ought to starch table napkins and put fresh flowers in the hall every day .
14 Write your information on the back and tell them they can only eat the eggs after the instructions have been copied down .
15 They come down then and says , ‘ Who 's broken my window ? ’ and I used to say : ‘ Yes , I broke the bloody window — go in the station and tell them you would n't put the light out , ’ and they got a summons on top of it .
16 If you 'd started the motor and used it it would have helped .
17 The Headmaster did n't know any of the details but reassured him it would be alright .
18 If there are any developments that concern you I 'll let you know . ’
19 Give your aunt my love and tell her I shall see her soon , very soon . ’
20 If Lee had damaged the medals or lost them he 'd kill him .
21 He had n't suggested the film might not come out although she could n't have had time to develop it yet and she was n't working through a ‘ friend ’ sent round to sympathise with him deplore the whole thing and assure him it could be stopped if he 'd only tell that terrible woman one little thing … ’ — And since I 'm not married or anything I thought I 'd stick to the personal angle .
22 Take her name and number and tell her I 'll call her back . ’
23 But Mukhamedov , thank you very much , a few months after another rapturous reception on the 1989 tour , walked into the Royal Ballet and told them he 'd quit the Bolshoi and wanted a job .
24 I got in touch with the publishers and told them they would have to find another translator .
25 Take yourself up to Keith and tell him I 'll be back to say what happened . ’
26 The thoughts that torment me I will forget .
27 I dashed straight back up the road to my own house , rang Paul and told him I 'd definitely have one , and maybe two .
28 I looked at her with affection and Tremayne patted my shoulder and told them I would be staying on as arranged to write his book .
29 A Unionist past of failure and frustration from the doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country and tell us we could not survive without London ; or an independent future of hope , vision and self respect , as Scots regain our rightful place as equal partners in the European family of nations . ’
30 For Michael Nader , sexy Dex Dexter of TV 's Dynasty , it was a nightmare in which he saw his own death that convinced him he must break the cocaine habit .
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