Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [adv] [vb infin] what " in BNC.

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1 and tennis coaching and do n't know what else he did do .
2 I have a car badge belonging to the 159 Motor Club but do not know what the club is , or was , and have been unable to find out .
3 The other thing I would say is this that the management , whilst they very rarely agree with what Eric has got to say I 've never met a member of management at any level , at any level that does n't respect what he 's got to say and that 's a tremendous , er psychological blow before they even get round the table , because he 's completely disarming and his record in terms as vic er for , of victories , for individual members and groups of mem er , members , er , is legendary and I think apart from his ability it 's the respect in which he 's held by , by everybody , by everybody .
4 After a few days the household would be creeping around ‘ not to disturb Dad ’ who was sulking in his room bored to death with his family , and the children would be trying to comfort a depressed and weeping Mum who had so looked forward to her handsome popular brilliant husband 's return and did n't know what she had done wrong .
5 The Elves , who will never leave the material universe and do not know what happens to Men when they die , are embodiments of language-users for whom the breath-wind-spirit distinction would be meaningless .
6 I asked him why the hell he wanted me to stay the night when he was going out later , and he just shrugged his shoulders and said he was in a funny mood and did n't know what he was saying . ’
7 Was the vicious rumour that he had turned up late after a liquid lunch and did n't know what he was voting for true ?
8 10.30am and a waif-like girl trudges on stage to explain she 's lost her parents and does n't know what to do .
9 ‘ Doctors , who have never been taught medical entomology and do n't know what a mite is , would be far happier if asthma were caused by cigarette smoke , pollution , plant pollen or cat fur , but few cases actually are .
10 So it 's not as if we 're having breathing and did n't know what to do ! were n't it ?
11 Well daddy 's one day and he up this big flagstone and it was er topping off a grave and did n't ken what to do so he just put the flagstone back and kept on and the next time he went to he and he it up again and he took up the skull and .
12 I have known gardens where the roses never had a moment 's fungicidal attention and did n't know what mildew was , and there have been others where the roses received every care and attention , and each year the place looked like a flour mill .
13 We do not value our country sufficiently , we let any rich man enclose hundreds of square miles of gorgeous mountain , heath or forest and do not care what devastation arises from the growth of commercialisation … .
14 The next day they charged Barry Moxton with the murder of his wife Mary and there was a picture on the front pages of him being led away with a blanket over his head and another of a policeman coming out of his mother 's house with a plastic bag that was said to contain his bloodstained and half-burned clothing , and a day or so after that Uncle Titch turned up in South Wales with his horse and cart where he said he 'd gone after a merry-go-round and did n't know what all the fuss was about , did n't know about any murder , did n't read the papers and was generally believed , at least by the people on the estate , because it was typical of Uncle Titch , and by that time the Queerfella who was queerer than any of them knew had made a full confession and it was all over bar the shouting and the trial , when he pleaded guilty and was sent down for life and everyone said he should have been hanged and pretended it had never once crossed their minds that it was Uncle Titch that done it .
15 In the " fishing question " we hang out the bait and do not know what sort of answer we will get ( for example : " What media approach could we use here ? " )
16 He remembered little about the fires because he was under the influence of drink and did not realise what he was doing .
17 Ursula wanted her daughter free at any price and did not mind what risks Maurice had to run to bring that about .
18 Michael was still enthusiastic , he felt the show needed changes but did n't specify what they were .
19 He could not interpret the hand gestures and did not know what the offworlder was thinking .
20 I had never met David Waite and did n't know what he thought .
21 No it 's not , because it simply attaches labels to the people and does n't understand what 's going on ,
22 He was duly commissioned , despite his total lack of training or aptitude , on 12 June 1759 and , after his unit had been called out in 1760 , served in various parts of the country , though he soon regretted his patriotic impulse and did not enjoy what he called ‘ my bloodless and inglorious campaigns ’ .
23 We are equally ready to project this highly idealized picture of ourselves onto our own past and do not know what to make of the weird mystical ‘ fantasies ’ in which our ancestors seem to have indulged .
24 I was nearly in tears and did n't know what to do with it .
25 Each character is musically differentiated : the countess has two magnificently melancholic arias in which she laments the loss of her husband 's affection ; the count is portrayed as arrogant , cynical and menacing ; Figaro and Susanna are quick-witted , likeable , scheming and intelligent , able to give as good as they get , but both capable as well of jealousy and emotional suffering ; Cherubino is a confused adolescent who has just discovered sex but does n't know what to do with it .
26 He saw them off on honeymoon and did n't know what to do with the weeks they were going to be away , until he thought of taking a total-immersion course in Italian .
27 Curiously enough , it is introduced by Palomar , yearning for the knowledge provided by precise denomination : every summer he listens to the birds in the garden and does not know what birds they are .
28 The kinship evoked of human adult reactions in such circumstances , remembering our previous analysis of recognition , would be reason enough to say that the dog noticed the workmen and did n't like what it saw ; albeit a ‘ thin ‘ attribution .
29 The two men ran after him , but the other wild men were busy round the fire and did not see what was happening .
30 ‘ I became really sick here for the first time and did n't know what was going on , ’ he recalls .
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