Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [pron] down to " in BNC.

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1 " Dear mermaids , wo n't you please turn the wheel and spin me down to the sea-king 's palace ? "
2 Dad marched over , pulled my hands out of my ears and forced them down to my sides .
3 We are very sorry we have caused any inconvenience to club and are hoping E McCormick accepts this letter of apology on our behalf club and puts it down to a mis-understanding by his supporters .
4 You can use paper of similar thickness but unless you stick it in some way to the faces it is difficult to keep it in position when assembling the cores into the bobbin and bolting it down to the board .
5 Large corporations draw up ground plans for restaurants and reduce everything down to a level of mediocrity .
6 And that was the poor old man he was just just about away so they sent for the ambulance and took him down to Forfar to They used to call that the poor house , I do n't know what they call it now but it was the poor house in those
7 Easing forward on the yoke , Vologsky tested the change of control , putting the Foxbat into a gentle dive and taking it down to just over 45,000 feet .
8 Then shower — ‘ Acqua Fredda ’ , cold spray to tone and give elasticity to the skin and bring you down to earth .
9 I was warm and sleepy but my master kept haranguing me : compliance seemed the easiest way out so I put on my boots , grabbed my cloak and accompanied him down to the Templar chapel .
10 I filled up cardboard boxes with its contents and took them down to the local charity shop .
11 I think he was watching the chateau for days and followed us down to the village . ’
12 I mean we Mitterand and take him down to the I suppose , see if that 'll do any good but erm
13 He found himself looking for her in the street , in the trains that took him down to his busking .
14 The small procession moved on towards a set of metal stairs that led them down to the second landing .
15 Then they 'd they 'd bunged us in the train and sent us down to Marseilles .
16 He pulled several wristwatches from his pocket and flung one down to Bill .
17 By the time we got her address and tracked her down to some miserable tower block in Hackney , discovered she did n't know any English and found someone who could speak Gujarati , it was late afternoon . ’
18 He knew what blow had knocked proud Lucifer , the first angel , out of the sky and hurtled him down to be the founder of Hell .
19 Having assured himself that he was all alone , he climbed from his bed , entered his dressing-gown and took himself down to the kitchen for the first breakfast of the day .
20 I could see the beginning of cloud formations in the far west that looked as though they might thicken up and , since I wanted to get some shots of the Cove while the light was still good , I set off by Water Sinks , where the water from the Tarn sinks and does n't reappear again until some miles down the valley at Aire Head , and followed the footpath that would take me west of Watlowes dry valley and bring me down to the Cove by the pasture land above the Pennine Way .
21 We had returned our robes to Messrs Ede & Ravenscroft and followed her down to the huge marquee which had been erected opposite University House .
22 For this take young supple stems and bend them down to the soil .
23 He gave her the rake and she went vigorously at the hay while he plaited a grass rope to put round a burden and heft it down to the byre .
24 The captain has promised to reach the coastline by early dawn and follow it down to the sea .
25 The next day , Bobbie put Peter 's engine in a box and took it down to the railway .
26 In the darkness , under cover of which they had been kissing cuddling so much ( with his hand inside her blouse ) that she had not the first idea what the film was about , he took her hand and guided it down to his lap .
27 Griffith now heated his rods in the middle and drew them down to thinner and thinner fibres which after cooling he also broke in tension .
28 Director Roger Pomphrey 's documentary crew filmed UB40 at home in Brum and followed them down to London with their families and friends .
29 They loaded the Zodiac dinghy , outboard motor , and the limpet mines into the camper and drove south , reaching Auckland around 7.30 p.m. where witnesses living at Stanley Point on the northern shore of Auckland Harbour saw two men take an inflatable dinghy out of a camper van and carry it down to the water 's edge .
30 He reached up in the darkness to take hold of her face and bring it down to his mouth , glad that the murk concealed the satisfaction he wore .
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