Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun] that [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Er Trading Standards Officers have been helping the police have made a large number of visits to sales in recent months targetting those where we know or suspect there will be concentration of counterfeiter goods and these stolen items we 've been taking and seizing items , we 've been making inspections and er we will also be distributing some leaflets to try and advise people of some of the risks and dangers that face them at this sort of event .
2 Today 's agricultural and forestry methods have caused a decline in broadleaf woodlands and coppices , affecting the animals and birds that inhabit them and the general landscape .
3 They are a source of great uncertainty and insecurity that leads them to have more children than they would otherwise .
4 In the absence of any serious challenge to the wealth and institutions that reproduce them , the upper class will survive , adapt and thrive .
5 Thirty years from now the words will have been wiped clean by the sun and sea that inspired them .
6 They can see and smell lines and shapes that lead them through the darkest night , point out lines of demarcation , isolate territories .
7 These works make explicit what is only suggested in this livret the opening number of the work serves as a processional for the instrumentalists and some or all of the singers and dancers that brings them into the performing space .
8 But there was something about them , maybe their mohair suits , maybe the hard men they imported from Glasgow or maybe their bonding as brothers that made them seem glamorous .
9 At the Pattmore project in London and the Rosemount project in Glasgow for example , mothers are provided with adequate child care and it enables them to attend courses and gain skills and qualifications that give them a better chance in the job market .
10 It is that position of fundamental weakness and poverty that forces them to apply for the Government 's student loans .
11 Children are not , however , independent of the nexus of expectations , attitudes and values that surround them .
12 The banks or organisations that issue them guarantee payment of bills run up by the credit card holder up to a certain limit .
13 Owen and Roger , the two heads of centre , have developed their respective strategies in response to the broadly similar sets of expectations and demands that confront them .
14 The particular forms adopted by Greenfield , Hildyard and Olson can be related to the social formations and institutions that generated them , in this case specific academic institutions , just as in oral societies statements about truth are expressed and validated in terms of such complex forms and institutions as witchcraft , religion , cosmology and ritual .
15 In relation to deserts Cooke and Warren ( 1973 ) provided a standard Geomorphology in Deserts in which they were primarily concerned with desert landforms , the materials that compose them , the processes of debris preparation , erosion and transport that modify them , and the environmental factors influencing all these phenomena .
16 Did you not yourself say that our love must be holy ? ’ or when she pointed out that his ‘ lovely poems ’ would have been less lovely if she had not pro vided ‘ the unrest and storm that made them possible ’ : ‘ Beloved I will pray with my whole strength that suffering and temptation may be taken from you as they have been taken from me and that we may gain spiritual union stronger than earthly union could ever be . ’
17 The species of plants and animals that inhabit them today have adapted , where adaptation was needed , only during the current ice age .
18 It 's a year of preparation for a new life away from the troubles and temptations that drew them to drugs and crime .
19 The sayings of country people , sometimes tinged with poetry , always rich in concrete images and braced with the vigour and rhythm that gives them long life , are worth revealing .
20 Even if teachers were given the time and opportunity to develop their professional lives in the ways they felt most suitable , the questions and dilemmas that face them are so many and so deep that it is indeed a daunting task .
21 The account produced after the events obscured the hard work , stress and frustration that made them happen .
22 ‘ About schools , no doubt , they know something-perhaps they have schedules and inventories that tell them in wearisome detail what they should look for in the structure , the physical fabric .
23 This is the idea that crime and deviance have positive qualities and consequences that make them necessary for the healthy functioning of society .
24 The Cheshires enjoyed no such luxury and had to control the anger and revulsion that engulfed them as they experienced the horror for real .
25 I am not convinced that this issue should be on the political agenda at all , not at this time , not at any time , in fact I am pretty convinced that this is a Tory agenda , a media agenda , why they do they not want to talk about crooks and spivs that support them , that donate thousands of pounds into their coffers ?
26 John Gibbons , the president 's science adviser and OSTP director , says that the six FCCSET ( pronounced ‘ fix-it ’ ) initiatives , named after the Federal Coordinating Committee on Science , Engineering and Technology that supervises them are ‘ a dynamic list of topics ’ that are being reexamined for their contribution to national economic growth .
27 In the centre of Bishkek , formerly Frunze , where grandiose marble buildings intrude into the paradise of fir trees and mountains that surround them , Alexandra bemoaned the end of empire .
28 You remember those things : they littered the creeks and bywaters of harbours , slowly returning to nature , back to the trees and minerals that gave them life .
29 Rather like the children we were discussing earlier in this chapter it is possible to meet elderly people who have achieved a serenity of understanding and/or faith that supports them utterly as they develop the skill of coming towards the end of their life .
30 It is important to present a united front ; only you can decide on the values ( and the rules , routines and standards that underlie them ) which are important in your family , and therefore worth insisting on .
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