Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun] [vb mod] do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I wonder whether how long it 's gon na take Martin to fit that gear if Martin can do it
2 I 'll come round with the skin and some shots protein and Zip should do it . ’
3 When a person has faith that Jesus can do something for them , then all things are possible .
4 It is the centurion who has the faith that Jesus can do something .
5 The result did our boys a certain amount of good , but now — following our own bizarre 3–3 draw in Poznam — we will have to venture abroad in the fervent hope that Poland can do us a Big Favour .
6 But wherever the king was , in one of his palaces or castles , or staying in monastery or cathedral close , or under canvas , space had to be found in which his chancellor and chaplains could do their writing , celebrate mass and maintain the offices of the royal chapel , and preserve the royal collection of relics with due honour and security .
7 This will be a tough match-up but Star could do it .
8 So far as ordinary citizens and non-governmental bodies are concerned , the background principle of English law is that a person or body may do anything which the law does not prohibit .
9 Radar and sonar were still highly classified developments in military technology , and the notion that bats might do anything even remotely analogous to the latest triumphs of electronic engineering struck most people as not only implausible but emotionally repugnant .
10 She was deft and quiet , with the rare gift of speaking only when something needed to be said , but her friendliness warmed the house for Winnie , and the knowledge that Jenny would do anything , at any time , to help her , was wonderfully comforting .
11 Well you can forget the astonishment that cats can do it all , it is extraordinary that cats can do that at all .
12 Brains and education and character would do it for her .
13 Everything would be different if the devils were taken out of Timothy Gedge because God could do anything .
14 Police yesterday put out warnings on local radio stations telling ticket holders that officers will do everything in their power to stop the rave .
15 Marks and Spencers 'll do me
16 And before Athelstan or Cranston could do anything , the madman bit into the hen 's neck and tore its throat out .
17 The Empire 's army was so weakened by the loss of its forces that Sigismund could do nothing but watch and wait while the Orc hordes devastated the surrounding lands .
18 Maggie trusted that , trusted the clear steadiness , the certainty that Rachel would do what she said ; and what she had said , and went on saying quietly , calmly , efficiently , was that she loved Maggie .
19 We used to perhaps , well we used to , then when that started Mr got a slaughterhouse , you see , down , we used to kill his stuff as well up , up in our slaughterhouse and Ernie used to do it , well he used to do the slaughtering and make the sausages
20 Eight changes are out of the question for Lord 's next Thursday but England must do something to stop the rot before all hope of regaining the Ashes disappears for another two years .
21 Eight changes are out of the question for Lord 's next Thursday but England must do something to stop the rot before all hope of regaining the Ashes disappears for another two years .
22 The French or Americans will do it if we do n't , and what about the jobs in Preston , Chelmsford or Rochester ?
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