Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun] [conj] then [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 With great respect and kindness and fun and then I will sell the house and the great
2 After the shopping spree Mary took us to a little tea shop for tea and cakes and then we returned happily with our presents .
3 They ate up all the knives and forks and then they asked for more .
4 In those days , the manure was distributed on the fields in heaps from a horse and cart and then you would have to follow behind with a handfork to rake it and spread it evenly .
5 and then you were inveigled to the R and D and then you inveigled to become a Vice Chair , and today you 've been handling the ceremony so well , we 've had to keep you in cotton wool to make sure that er , that you kept your health .
6 Between there and the A fifty nine to the east , we would have one single er arrow or triangle and then we would have another arrow or triangle between the A sixty one and the A fifty nine to the west of Harrogate and similarly another arrow between the A fifty nine and the A sixty one south of the A fifty nine , down to A sixty one south of Harrogate .
7 Can I propose that we vote either to go for Southwell Centenary cos I think they are the fav either or , and then we also have another vote for Bramley or Brinkley and then we have a vote between the winners of either of those two ,
8 He was an engineer and erm he he was he made co , he worked on conveyers and things and then he changed his occupation became a civil servant and he worked at the Admiralty down on Templefields until it closed about ten years , cos my husband has been retired about five years now .
9 Now I think that , that Good did say oh well , there is a Law Commission Report expected , but I think that you know that Good should address somewhere tha that problem of Trust Law and regulationship and then I did in fact on going through the report and er you know and also your own reports erm there 's the one about designation of assets you know , which I think was a very good recommendation of yours .
10 No if you think of a map of England erm the south coast is there , there 's Dover , there 's the estuary for London , London is here erm then it comes up like this , the east coast of London , the east coast of E England like that this is East , called East Anglia , here you 've got Norfolk and Norwich and then you 've got Ipswich here and then you 've got Suffolk there and Essex , right ?
11 I 've got Mr and Mr and then I 'm drawing a line .
12 write a few of those down , all the same type , all acids and alkali and then you just you can just bomb through those .
13 A b on on one day he he went earlier and he had his lunch in London , he said , and there was another man on the table and er the both reached for the salt together and upset it and there was apologies and talks and then he discovered that he was the buyer for the London County Council .
14 So set yourself the task of suggesting a simple argument or answer and then you can try to make out a case for it .
15 And he came and he had a massive full plate of rice and curry and then he had custard and gooseberry pie sort of thing .
16 There again , that 's the best of both worlds ; I have a chance to go out and play stadiums and arenas and then I get to go home and go back to the way I was , although with a lot more experience under my belt .
17 I thought like you about the windows , so I stayed away for moons and moons and then I flew back , but the windows were barred , for my mother had forgotten me and another little boy was in my bed .
18 ‘ I just now want to win the last two races in Japan and Australia and then it 's a new career for me . ’
19 couple of decades there has been an unparalleled interest in the occult and astrology and Satanism , and witchcraft and society at large , on the one hand it worships at the shrine of science and technology and then it turns and pays its cash , and it does pay its cash , and its homage at the signs of the zodiac , and at the other various things dealing wi or are a part of the occult .
20 I was told that it could spread through the intestines to the stomach and lungs and then you had pretty much had it .
21 She started to teach him rhymes and poems and then she would write them down on scraps of paper so that he could follow the letters through when he was on his own .
22 If they were short of ware or something they 'd maybe put on sulphur or ammonia and super phosphate and potash and then they started then with slag .
23 And erm and then we went and got my fruit and veg and then we went in Top Marks and got them so we never got we went through for a video really , never got round to looking for a video did we ?
24 You put a slash , worksheet , global recalculation and manual and then you do your file combine copy again .
25 And there was a , a book , I always regret not pho photostatting it , where one of the people who write on health er made the point that you start with the full page in the book , and the outer band of it were all pictures of the world , and then it was erm a particular sort of location in a town , and then it was a house and garden and then it was a room in a house .
26 I mean looking at a book and see the distance between , in there they give you the distance between Leeds , Ipswich , Leicester and Scotland and then you come to kilometres and
27 She would get through the next few days of being in the same house as Piers and then she would leave , and she would somehow get through the rest of her life without him .
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