Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] as [adv] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was one of the magnetic forces that drew them overseas , and led them to disappointment quite as often as to wealth .
2 They believed they could win votes in Sunderland just as surely as in Mid-Sussex .
3 Devlin and O'Cathain found that of 122 children consecutively referred , 22 became dry after a structured interview ( with the child alone as well as with a parent ) , advice on personal hygiene and cleanliness training , daily bladder exercises , and provision of a ‘ star chart . ’
4 Hilton clearly attached great importance to this apostolate : he tells his nun that she will meet God in her visitors just as surely as in the solitude of her cell .
5 The main contractor has to plan for subcontracted work just as seriously as for his or her own work .
6 While it was true that the experience of dependants ' benefits demonstrated to the Ministry of Labour that ‘ not in a few cases they enabled respectable and industrious men and women to avoid having recourse to the Poor Law ’ ( Ministry of Labour , 1924 , p. 10 ) , the restoration and continuation of dependants ' allowances and the establishment of uniform minimum scales of Poor Law outdoor relief in January 1922 owed much to the activities of the National Unemployed Workers ' Movement , which organised protests na-tionally as well as against local Boards of Guardians .
7 A few says later the Shah sought assurances from the US Embassy that he was still welcome in the United States cabled Rabat to say , " we assured the Shah publicly as well as in private messages that he would be welcome in the US should he choose to go there , and that there should be bo doubt whatsoever as to our willingness to receive ( him ) and provide him with appropriate protection " .
8 In principle , everything applies to diverging lenses just as well as to converging lenses .
9 And as for defence , ’ he went on , ‘ Britain would be defended by arms manufactured in Germany or France just as well as by arms manufactured in Britain , if this were necessary for good economic reasons . ’
10 The methods of quality control they use are Japanese , and can , they find , be drilled into Britons and Americans just as well as into Japanese .
11 Sebba and Wootton ( 1984 : 6 ) write : The Creole stretch is distinguished from the rest of the turn structurally as well as in terms of its code .
12 MOREOVER , individual examples of bias , such as the one I detected when Paddy Ashdown was allowed to get away with the ridiculous notion that he might do a deal with John Major just as easily as with Neil Kinnock , need to be balanced against the election coverage as a whole .
13 The proportion of the former who are not interested in regular working , because they have other interests or other commitments , is relatively high , although it is influenced by the level of unemployment overall as well as in the local labour market .
14 Present at that meeting was Walid Maroni , officially an Iraqi member of the UN press corps , who told them that his government was prepared to support the CLAO financially as well as in other ways .
15 Tickets , if available , can be purchased in person from Monday 8th June from the York Festival & Mystery Plays Caravan in Parliament Street , central York open 10.00am–8.00pm daily as well as by post or telephone from the YEMF Office
16 All enquiries , whether ad hoc or by standard program , can be made of the accumulated file of past students just as easily as of the file of current students .
17 Although he had always feared the night , the boy knew the big house in darkness almost as well as in daylight .
18 The slow movement , as I say , is outstanding , with Masur 's very straight , simple phrasing conveying an emotional intensity quite as deep as with a more overtly expressive style .
19 What has bitten ‘ us ’ , the transpersonal Gadarene motif of The Possessed , manifests itself through the dotty plan for a dinner just as eloquently as through the murder in the park .
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