Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] that [pers pn] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 Allow a maximum of 30 minutes per question ( if it is a 6-in-3-hours paper ) , using your stop watch so that you do not need to remember the time you started .
2 There is quite an art in scattering the pennies so that they do not hurt the children .
3 Perhaps this attitude of ‘ cooling it ’ , ‘ turning off ’ , ‘ keeping his head down ’ , ‘ disengaging ’ on the part of the failing student is a special case of what Roy Cox ( 1967 ) had in mind when he said : ‘ It is clear that where students are assessed in a way which is not seen to be relevant to what they are aiming at they will tend to distort and degrade the assessment so that it does not become a source of esteem . ’
4 Digestion of the starch into its component glucose units takes place at the luminal surface of the gut epithelial cells , but these glucose units are immediately absorbed by the sodium ion/glucose cotransporter so that they do not contribute to the osmotic activity in the gut lumen .
5 At this stage , we have an opportunity to ensure that the legislation will allow their voices to be heard through formal channels so that they do not have to resort to the usual practice of writing to the appropriate organisations .
6 Erm , amateur societies just ca n't exist without loyal officers and those officers have shown their loyalty by s standing again and we know the special circumstances appertaining to the , which brings us to the nitty- gritty now erm you said we have , Tracy , five erm perhaps you 'd better read those names out for us and then I think the best thing to do is to have a closed vote , where we give you all a piece of paper on which you state your nomination folded up so nobody else can see we 'll put them in a bag and then we 'll appoint a couple of to count the vote so that we do not the chairman .
7 Teachers can play an important role in helping them to adjust , but since practical and financial arrangements often cause difficulties for parents , teachers need to be sensitive in offering help so that it does not seem intrusive .
8 When returning the draft Contract to me duly signed will you let me have a cheque in favour of Messrs. Stanley Tee & Co. for £2,600 the 5% deposit and I will place this on deposit with my firm 's bankers so that it does not lose you interest , so there should be no delay in exchanging contracts once you have received the insurance company 's acceptance of your life proposals .
9 To keep the example simple , assume that there is no depreciation so that we do not need to worry about replacement investment .
10 We discussed preparation of the lines in Chapter Three , so all we want to emphasise now is that you remember to take a stake ( preferably fitted with a brightly coloured flag so that you do not lose it , or tread on it ) and that the line ends have swivel connections of adequate strength .
11 How much will he spend to bail out the first-wave trusts so that they do not end the first financial year in deficit ?
12 A safety net is something which you hope that you will never have to use , and you endeavour to arrange matters so that you do not need it , but if necessary it will catch you .
13 In those days there seemed so many vistas ahead that I did not mind when I began to go public : it was sufficiently gratifying to feel that Eliot wanted to print some of my work in his good time and in mine .
14 The user should rename the file so that it does not exceed the LIFESPAN maximum filename length .
15 Held , dismissing both appeals , Findlay : ( 1 ) the judge had accepted the custody officer 's evidence that the notes in the pocket book were shown to Findlay , though he was at that time incommunicado ; and Code C 12.12 in its unamended form ( which governed this case ) only applied to interviews at police stations so that it did not require the notes in the present case to be shown to him : Brezeanu & Francis [ 1989 ] Crim.L.R. 650 .
16 Provide waste management programmes for the safe disposal of waste so that it does not adversely affect the health and safety of employees , the public , or the environment .
17 Until you are consistently getting the photos you want from inside the photographic sector , you will need to fly some distance beyond the turning point so that you do not have to be in a very steep turn or exactly positioned .
18 You should write your notes up in continuous prose as soon as possible after the lecture so that you do not forget what the shortforms stand for .
19 Particularly in secluded , well sheltered , and not so well ventilated gardens , the open centre — and perhaps also the planting distance between plants so that they do not merge and clash — is more important with Floribundas .
20 It is useful to quote the size of the repeat when ordering fabric for curtains or blinds so that you do not cut off in the middle of a formalized pattern .
21 A few expressed their regrets , apologies etc. that they had not ‘ been as active in the past as I would have liked ’ .
22 We ask indirect questions so that we do not cause offence or impose on other people .
23 There were no European schools in Narayanganj so that I did not go to school until I was 12 ; Jon was 14 .
24 Just as they are taught other subjects , they should increasingly be taught about such topics as mental handicap so that they do not grow up with the prejudices that their parents may possess .
25 Having been involved in such proceedings since the Twenties he was now in fact finding them " a bit tedious " , and " Mr Eliot 's list " was invented for a section of the agenda so that he did not have to attend the entire meeting .
26 Yet there is a place for drinks and slippers , and many younger and older couples can know about their mutual ordinariness so that they do not have to strive , posture or compete ; and yet they still keep a specialness and excitement in each other alive .
27 I 'm hearing things now that I have not heard in fifteen years that I 've been on this County Council and I would suggest erm to Mr that when he 's talking about things that this County Council ought to print , and I think the one suggestion he came up with is very sensible , he could perhaps follow up with a catalogue of those things which he considers need doing that after a hundred years have not been done .
28 His arms came around her and she pressed willingly into them , lifting her chin and stretching up on her toes so that he did not have to bend so far towards her .
29 The conference was helpful in suggesting ways to act and by providing solidarity so that I do not feel alone .
30 When he is walking outside , the patient has to be specially careful to lift his feet off the ground so that he does not trip .
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