Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] the [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And he got the sack so the firm came on strike .
2 Public affairs , local authority , government , financial , and charity public relations all call for different talents so the people working in these areas often have very different educational backgrounds and work experience from those doing consumer public relations .
3 In the later Vogue piece only the style remained as the far more overtly sexual , Kahloesque models lounged and pouted in their ‘ Mexican ’ interiors .
4 Nearly two months later the patient complained of itching and cholestasis was diagnosed .
5 Does the right hon. Gentleman appreciate the tremendous fear felt throughout the Province as we face the Christmas period , bearing in mind both the warning given by the security forces of an impending IRA outrage near Christmas and the signal given by the nationalist community in the result of a by-election at Magherafelt today , where there was a 43 per cent .
6 Older texts are also reprinted in POPULAR EDITIONS ( popular = for ordinary people , generally for non-academic purposes , though in practice often the editions used on courses ) .
7 Six months ago the council called in the police to investigate claims that building materials had been misappropriated for private use .
8 The tranquiliser and the bottle are poor comforters when the time comes to part for ever from those we love .
9 On occasions , the author puts an unfortunate gloss on a point , such as at page 9 , where ( in commenting on the capital gains tax ) he states that an individual may ‘ claim as a concession ’ to be taxed on capital gains under what is known as the ‘ half-income ’ rule whereas section 21 , Finance Act , 1965 , makes it clear that M where the rule operates in favour of the individual , then the tax is to be computed as that basis .
10 Like Peking and Sian , the main streets here are spacious and tree-lined , but we rarely explore the back streets , which you see branching off everywhere , alley-ways where the people live in hovels which would make the slums of European cities appear spacious mansions — but even these alleyways look clean and well-cared for , in spite of their higgledy-piggledy mud- or wood- or brick-walled dwellings .
11 We will postpone discussion of the extraclausals until Chapter 9 , but a reliable and well-justified rule of thumb is that extraclausals , unlike postverbals , are always equivalent , in their semantic effect , to otherwise similar constructions where the adjective appears in initial position .
12 His premiership had been turbulent , particularly during its final months when the government came under massive pressure over its job reservations policy [ see pp. 37653 ; 37710 ; 37774-75 ] and its response to the " temple-mosque " dispute at Ayodhya .
13 Fabia was still in stunned surprise that her Volkswagen Polo was going to be towed by a Mercedes when the stranger went to the rear of her car and she had to snap out of her shock to steer .
14 The square , its shabby focus , topped a steep hill and these streets ran sharply down ; once stately and solid streets , fat with money and leisure , full of homes for a secure middle-class with parlours in which its bustled daughters could play ‘ The Last Rose Of Summer ’ and ‘ Believe me if all those Endearing Young Charms ’ politely on rosewood pianos antlered with candlesticks ; and roast-beef coloured dining-rooms where the gentlemen mellowed over rich , after-dinner port and mahogany reflected ox-roasting coal fires tended by black flocks of housemaids .
15 Doug Laughton 's outfit , with six men making their debuts , had battled into a 12-11 lead soon after half-time when the game exploded in their faces .
16 A young mother living in a damp flat with unheated bedrooms where the mould appears in charcoal blots across the wall , has a child who has suffered several bouts of pneumonia and now has chest convulsions .
17 It is named after the Tabasco region of Mexico where the peppers used in its production are grown .
18 That the metal was poured from separate crucibles is shown very clearly in one of the heads where the mould had to be topped up .
19 After that he 'd come down and hopped through a hole in the fence where the canal ran alongside some waste ground , and now he was staying off the streets as he made his way across town and toward home ground .
20 On 6 February 1945 Himmler 's deputy , Berger , reported that on 30 January all the men commanded by Domanov had enthusiastically sworn loyalty to Hitler ( for a more detailed record of the Cossacks ' relations with Himmler , see Appendix II ) .
21 The moon does n't the earth goes round the sun so the moon goes round the earth .
22 She was actually Doris Clay , her tartiness only the variety adopted by certain barmaids who hoped to look just a little more glittering than real life .
23 A few feet away the corridor opened into a new space .
24 onto chips now the things to know about acids , bases and salts .
25 Three fours eight , nine , ten queen high the pairs stuck at the end though dear .
26 Yes you could do but the point is the , it 's where a person injects , a drug addict always injects into a vein so therefore they get these pin marks over veins , not necessarily , the veins go between fingers and toes and wherever , but they go into a vein where the diabetic goes into the muscle , into the arms , round the stomach area or the thigh .
27 The firebird dined exclusively upon golden apples and its powerful wings created strong winds when the bird took to the air ; as he flew , all the other birds would fall silent in awe at his grace .
28 She lay in her bed , her eyes moving across the ceiling where the snow piled outside her window reflected vague purple-grey patterns into the room .
29 If the works specified are insufficient to abate the odour then in any further proceedings to obtain a nuisance order under s.94 , the notice itself may be held bad , as in Whatling v Rees where the work specified in the notice , the draining of a cellar , would not have been sufficient to abate the nuisance .
30 With the trigrams however the graph appears to still be ascending quite rapidly , suggesting that a larger corpus will discover many more trigram transitions .
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