Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] a [adj] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 He has already pushed the boat out a long way in distancing Sinn Féin from the IRA , yet to no electoral avail .
2 I do n't know what to think parked cars the of a big if I can see a parked car there a long way in front of me I go I am park that car so it
3 A nurse led Charlie through to a cubicle where an elderly man in a long white coat made him strip to the waist , cough , stick out his tongue and breathe heavily before prodding him all over with a cold rubber object .
4 No one can deny that professional tennis is going through one of those periods when a sure thing in the betting sense is a short cut to bankruptcy .
5 At the time of the war already an experienced journalist in his forties , Behr reported on Vietnam for Newsweek between 1967 and 1971 .
6 Six weeks later a great demonstration in the Royal Albert Hall demanded the establishment of a Merchant Seamen 's League to put the boycott into effect and " to assist them in maintaining their benevolent institutions for the aged and infirm " A short time ago , he declared in 1918 , he had received a document from four leading German trade unionists attempting to justify the U-boat campaign by arguing that " only a campaign of frightfulness against the British and neutral vessels trading to ports in the United Kingdom and the starving of the people of the British Isles would bring the war to a speedy close " .
7 Two years later a new Diploma in Professional Studies in Education was approved , for the first of which — in health education — guidelines were approved in December 1977 .
8 Part of the M1 was closed for the second time in three days following a multiple pile-up in sub-zero temperatures .
9 Two days earlier a CPKI meeting in Seoul proclaimed the establishment of the Korean People 's Republic ( KPR ) .
10 A further complication arose in late November when a sharp rise in the Danube 's flow ( up to three times the normal rate ) caused severe flooding and extensive damage to the dam site .
11 This is an exceptional band — David Narcizo on drums , Leslie Langston on bass , Tanya Donelly a talented singer-songwriter in her own right — but the star here is Kristin Hersh .
12 During the active growing season , prepare the rooting area as if for a seedbed and scope out a gentle dip in which the branch will lie comfortably .
13 Yet so firmly established is the image of Hardy as a rustic provincial that Virgil rates not a single entry in the index to J.O .
14 He set up his school , St. Enda 's , in 1908 to show by example how a bilingual school in Irish and English could work .
15 It had all happened one Sunday morning when an old man in London decided that that was how it would be .
16 The effect is generally noted in the first week when a gradual reduction in the frequency of wetting is noted .
17 However , Ms Mountford took her case to the House of Lords where a dramatic reversal in judicial policy took place .
18 He was wearing a navy sweater and a light-coloured shirt and blue jeans , and her heart lurched because time shrank to the moment when she had finally walked away from him , one autumn morning , early , with their love already an awful deadweight in her memory .
19 He comes close to ruling out a general election in 1991 , saying : ‘ I think we have to think in terms of 1992 . ’
20 Norman Lamont compounded the situation by ruling out an early cut in interest rates .
21 The effectiveness of the new system was proved on 11 September when a small fire in the turbine hood at Gyda was extinguished immediately .
22 The village was four miles away , the walk back a long climb in the sun .
23 There will be secondhand equipment sales in a boat jumble , demonstrations of equipment by Pyranha , Mobile Adventure , Ainsworth , Outdoor Leisure Supplies , Palm and Wild-Water , a film and slide show about a first descent in Nepal , a pig roast and a Bat and open canoe slalom with prizes from the manufacturers ( possibly a kayak for first place ) .
24 But with the wearing of seatbelts now a legal requirement in many European countries and with adherence rates generally high ( much higher than in the US ) , the airbag is poised to make a significant contribution to lessening the head and chest injuries that even restrained drivers can suffer through impact with the steering wheel .
25 The corpus would appear as a series of pages interrupted periodically by a heading and extensive bibliographic information wherever a new item in the corpus began .
26 And surely this is one case where a rising population in the countryside would be welcomed by everyone .
27 A small bone assemblage was collected below a nest in a small cave part way up a low cliff in Qatar .
28 Now a ‘ searching for something ’ or ‘ exploring ’ theme crops up a great deal in drama and there are many teachers who do not recognise that what looks like a tense , exciting , well-focused structure may be no such thing .
29 You 've no idea how a young girl in love must feel .
30 There were many moments when an unexpected surge in the crowd could have resulted in catastrophe .
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