Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] and [verb] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 After a year or two of keeping house for Hugh , she put her foot down and said it was ridiculous not to use her money .
2 Endill opened his eyes slowly and found he was standing in a little room made entirely of books .
3 COCA-COLA took over sponsorship of the League Cup in a £2.25 million deal yesterday and confirmed they are the ‘ real thing ’ for football .
4 He was no stranger now and leaving him was hard , more bitter to her than anything had ever been .
5 ‘ In case you miss your way , ’ he said , but Fenella had heard the key turn in the lock earlier and knew she was still being treated as a prisoner .
6 Torrential rain turned the main street through Peterchurch into a fast flowing river — cutting the village off and catching it 's residents by surprise .
7 To turn the question round and say what was true was more difficult .
8 I had the impression of a cautious , reflective man , who would take his work seriously and perform what was required of him to the best of his ability .
9 Owner-trainer John Hill and three racecourse vets checked the filly over and decided she was fit to run , but Atlantic Way could finish only third .
10 Napier have said that once they get this course up and running there 's absolutely no reason why experienced people like us ca n't dip in and out for a one off
11 She wanted to put the phone down and pretend it was n't happening but the noises came back and a different voice said , ‘ Sergeant MacDonald is n't here at the moment .
12 Put your head down and pretend nothing is happening .
13 What one has to do where this conflict is between a welfare aim and a conservation aim is to weigh up all the evidence carefully and decide what is , morally , the right thing to do .
14 and pretend , and just block things out and pretend they 're not there .
15 The company still remains wholly comitted to these principles today and ensures they are shared by its franchisees .
16 Consider the procedure and function names below and decide which is the easier to read .
17 Erm , she enjoys staff here and thinks they 're friendly .
18 Rod Hunt , defending , said Walker insisted there had been an argument earlier and believed he was challenged when he went out into the street .
19 I run up the hill , seeing movement ahead and assuming it 's a bird or a rabbit or something , and almost run straight into a man .
20 In spite of her earlier misgivings at finding David in the pool , Rachel , still mindful of his pleasure when he had caught sight of her , soon began to enjoy herself and was disappointed when all too soon David blew the whistle again and said it was time to get out of the water .
21 So let us take a look around and see what is to be seen .
22 THE IRA murdered a man it said was one of its former members yesterday and claimed he was a police informer .
23 Now I look at my life today and realise I am blessed .
24 To undertake training properly and ensure there was a real benefit to the farmers and the industry sufficient time had to be allowed .
25 And in the first day of life they tend to sleep an awful lot , right , so newborns tend to be sleepy and inactive and the things that , that wake babies up and warm them are feeding , crying , limb movement .
26 ‘ We have not played well enough in any department and we have got to hold our hands up and say we were not good enough .
27 I imagine he may be thinking of keeping on the mill as a holiday home and feels it 's time to acknowledge that he does have neighbours .
28 I think one of the , the best things a member of the royal family has done , is Prince Phillip and Prince of Wa , and Prince of Wales have actually opened their mouths up and said they 're opposed to wha a lo a lo a lot of what the present government policies are and it 's not , not before time , in my opinion !
29 But there is a more immediate aim for striker Ian Wright who is fighting a fitness battle to return in the live Sky TV game against the club which sold him to Highbury less than a year ago and show he is still the man England need .
30 It is easy to slide tiles around and find they are back in some position they were in before .
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