Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From these considerations alone the justification of doubt as to the universality of the intra-familial relationships and development postulated by Freud , mentioned on page 64 , will be evident .
2 To resolve the dilemma they must piece together the sort of documentary and pictorial evidence that is usually plentifully available for the nineteenth century .
3 We shall not be a party to that : If Fascism was , as the Communists insisted , simply capitalism with its back to the wall , then it was realistic to see in Chamberlain 's rearmament programme not the promise of defence against German Fascism , but stage one in the construction of British Fascism .
4 They are to my mind just the kind of material to satisfy the curiosity and thirst for knowledge of a young inquiring mind , with the dozens of just-right illustrations complementing the words perfectly .
5 Five months later the Minister of Information was asked in Parliament , during the debate on the Newspaper Ordnance ( Amendment ) Bill , why this new Bill was necessary if the Government had been able to close down Ulimwengu was it somehow to legalize what had been done already ?
6 Twelve months later the Captain of Sea Rover pushed his luck once too often .
7 In Margate crime rose by twenty percent last year we found that for the victims of crime here the use of cautioning has undermined confidence in the justice system .
8 This section is designed to explain briefly the operation of various exchange rate arrangements , before we analyse in more depth in this and the next chapter how the type of exchange rate system influences the adjustment mechanism .
9 If there were no genetic susceptibility then the incidence of schizophrenia in the second twin would be expected to be the same as in the general population .
10 If we are prepared to look at things in that light then the range of choice becomes much wider .
11 All this changed in the spring when the Centre for Research into Environment & Health conducted two studies based at Holme Pierrepont in Nottingham and the Canolfan Tryweryn at Bala .
12 Of those parents who favoured closure , most had children at schools where the quality of education was suspect .
13 In practice however the complexity of language is such that no generative grammar has come anywhere near providing this degree of coverage of the language .
14 What the insurance companies have been trying to do is make things fairer for the policy holders , by charging householders extra premiums where the risk of subsidence is higher .
15 Dominance struggles are always enacted in the den where the symbols of rank — proximity to owners , food , toys and access to warm resting areas — are to be found .
16 I could n't believe my eyes when the consultant in charge of my pregnancy came round the antenatal ward in my local hospital , puffing away on a cigar .
17 Remarkable results have been achieved with children from mainstream and special schools when the teaching of mathematics has been opened up in order to allow pupils to find their own strategies and solutions to problems .
18 Even before this time , the cost of war was beginning to sap enthusiasm for it : loans on wool and in wool , accompanied by embargoes and dubious credit arrangements , were testing the patience and loyalty of more than the merchants who assented to these measures ; purveyances , now being collected with a frequency and ruthlessness to match the 1290s , were provoking deep unrest in wide sections of the community , lay and clerical ; efforts to muster arrays for defence against the Scots and French antagonized the clergy when the requests for support were directed to diocesan , instead of provincial , synods .
19 The way was open , in a continent where the idea of nationhood is at best tenuous , for ( Mr Harding 's phrase again ) ‘ the new , freelance warrior ’ .
20 Such provision was thought to be important in a borough where the majority of housing is in local authority estates with little provision for single people .
21 Merger accounting to be restricted to those business combinations where the use of acquisition accounting would not properly reflect the true nature of the combination .
22 The UK should aim to rejoin the ERM in the course of the next 18 months when the strength of sterling should reflect the underlying strength of the economy and not be solely the product of high interest rates .
23 It was a difficult journey , especially in the winter months when the vagaries of intemperate and often violent weather meant that remote airports could be closed down within minutes .
24 Cell divisions of the mammalian egg are unlike those of lower animals where the planes of division appear with military precision .
25 The Scottish champion from Aberdeen and the former Atlantic Open winner from Paisley both had 68 at Vila Sol where the lack of wind and near-perfect greens resulted in a glut of birdies and eagles .
26 This can come as surprise to Christians who have grown up in homes where the expression of anger was frowned upon as being unworthy and sinful .
27 Studies in Glasgow , Camden and many other local authorities have described homes where the level of dementia is at least equal to the levels in many hospitals .
28 ‘ This place is hell-touched ! ’ he murmured , kicking the snow where the Hand of Glory had lain .
29 And friends like yourself who are willing to give a child somewhere the gift of life and hope .
30 It would be churlish to do anything other than welcome unreservedly the Secretary of State 's announcement , and I willingly do so .
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