Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [coord] it [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He was delivered in a birthing pool five years ago and it convinced his mother in favour of a repeat experience .
2 We all do things together and it lifted us for the game on Saturday .
3 Cos Irene says give me a ring I says no , I says that 's it , I said I 've already made the arrangement once and it backfired I says so I 'm not doing it no more .
4 It was only a slap really but it sent 'im sprawlin' . ’
5 There was a survey once and it said everybody in the country has seen Marathon Man !
6 John tried to hold the family together but it knocked everyone back . ’
7 Remorse had drawn Thomas there and it kept him pinned , though he was also wild for flight .
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