Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] n't " in BNC.

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1 Slowly she discovered tricks of the trade such as weighting her hems so that they did n't blow up in a breeze and she gradually acquired a coterie of designers , including Catherine Walker , David Sassoon and Victor Edelstein , whom she now relies upon .
2 We have been spinning coins together since I do n't know when , and in all that time ( if it is all that time ) I do n't suppose either of us was more than a couple of gold pieces up or down .
3 I started using cow much when I did n't have any plaster or cement .
4 I know but we 've got telly on and everything have n't we ?
5 Pike based his appeal on the contention that he had fed the horse properly but it had n't absorbed it .
6 Robyn gripped the fountain until her knuckles whitened and spoke with a great deal of effort , concentrating on forming her words so that they did n't sound slurred .
7 Nowadays , the machines chew up the hedge trimmings so that they do n't require burning ; you just plough them in .
8 Very , very confusing this is , the world is going upside down and he do n't know what 's going to happen next you see , for instance looking a year ago , two years ago the wall , the Berlin Wall was standing and the Russian empire was feared , all over the world , and now this day , it just fell on its face
9 Yeah , yeah was kind , it was kind of them , yes and we went all round the shops and er I thoroughly enjoyed it and in the new Co-Op as well you know , I thoroughly enjoyed it but he took me in the car so that we did n't have to hang about you see
10 Adjust the height of the fitting so that it does n't obscure your view across the table while you 're eating , but is n't so high that you can look into the shade at the bulb .
11 The group might knock heads together but it does n't seem designed to do the equally important job of explaining what is happening to staff and patients .
12 On top of the books so that it did n't so unless you 've moved it ?
13 ‘ He wants people to have a square deal just because he did n't have one . ’
14 ‘ I have many options , but I do n't want to transport the club elsewhere and I do n't want to merge . ’
15 Perhaps some forgiving souls might protest that former East German athletes had faced a particular difficulty in giving up the bad habits imposed on them by the success-seeking machine of the old Communist regime , and that it would be unfair virtually to close off their future just because they had n't yet properly learned another way of doing things .
16 However , as they had mostly lost significant amounts of weight already and it had n't occurred to me to ask them to measure their weekly progress in terms of inches , the results , whilst remarkable , were only visual .
17 She was beginning to discover that Lucenzo chose his words carefully and he did n't indulge in idle remarks or mere social chit-chat .
18 ‘ They will have their tails up and I do n't think we could be going there at a harder time .
19 Well my wife and I have only been here , living here ooh just over twelve months now so we do n't really know the
20 Celia and I have been battling away for months now and we do n't seem to be getting anywhere .
21 So I do n't think I 've ever I 've had it for about eight months now and I do n't think I 've yet listened to all five in a row without changing it .
22 I were just so psyched up on Wednesday and then I had to go in on the Friday before so I did n't
23 They 've got everything on computers now and it does n't work half the time does it ?
24 Adeva should become an actress now that she does n't seem to have a record deal .
25 Saturday before that you did n't did you ?
26 it 's up to us , we either the club out or we do n't .
27 Erm I I 've done a lot of listening this evening er and I 'm sure you have too from from the way in which the the rest of the board have been responding er with there eyes and ears even if they have n't always been open .
28 Some others were fitted a few months ago but they have n't been wired up to the Economy meter and we dare n't use them because we would n't be able to afford the bills . ’
29 Sandra : Wanny told me that months ago and I do n't believe it any more than he does .
30 He added fuel to the theory last night by saying : ‘ We have the talent here but we do n't have the consistency .
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