Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The examination , therefore , can now be seen as the culmination of the course rather than viewed as an unwelcome intrusion as it was previously .
2 There is no reason why a couple should continue to have sex into old age if they decide together that they do not want to , but it is important that they make a decision rather than lapse into no sex as a result of neglect or unresolved problems .
3 And if we were going to be bored , and we were usually bored , rarely being self-motivated , we could at least be bored on our own terms , lying smashed on mattresses in ruined houses rather than working in the machine .
4 He also claims DEC , leery of its margins , has reworked its low-end Alpha price structure to pitch the machines against Hewlett-Packard Co rather than get into a price struggle with Sun Microsystems Inc .
5 The hon. Gentleman should perhaps concentrate on feeding his sheep rather than intervene in the debate at this stage .
6 ‘ She wanted to be doing things like playing on her home computer rather than looking after the rest of the family .
7 professional distancing by prescribing change rather than working through the problem with the family
8 ‘ I wish our church leaders would deal with the problem of young , male violence in the inner cities rather than talk about the Social Chapter , ’ he said .
9 The death of a renowned foe usually brought mourning rather than triumph to the victorious camp ; when Boelcke himself was killed ( in collision with his best friend ) , planes from every British airfield within range dropped wreaths on his base , regardless of the risk involved .
10 Mr Bewick was criticised strongly yesterday by Mr Sells for carrying out too many operations rather than reflecting on the ethics involved .
11 They seem determined to spend their community charge payers ' money on the most irrelevant and frivolous projects rather than concentrating on the real problems that the hon. Gentleman described .
12 The cause of the accident was held to be the unsafe system of work used by the plaintiff 's employers rather than use of the premises .
13 giving inaccurate advice based on previous experience rather than listening to the family
14 Problems can also arise with companies with , for example , assets in transit in Italy , which are then seized by local creditors rather than retained for the benefit of the creditors as a whole .
15 What they , yes , what they done , they used to have a large long pull with a hook on and attached to a rope and as the ship was coming up to the river , they would throw this here pole on to a ship with a hook and then pay the rope out and then get towed up to the quay , the ship would n't stop for them to pick them up , pick that boat
16 All four versions include a skipper 's cabin accessed from the upper deck only and sandwiched between the anchor well and the forward bulkhead of the owner 's cabin .
17 Write your plans below and evaluate at the next C.P.S.
18 The sea is calm , but such ripples as there are flick the light from the sun about and refract the view of the pebbles so that staring over the edge of the kayak is like peeing into a kaleidoscope over whose speed of rotation you have no control .
19 Bardsley put his teacup down and said in a melancholy voice , ‘ I was thinking of taking him into partnership , but business has n't been that good lately .
20 She felt him lace their fingers together and trembled with a strange mixture of excitement and trepidation .
21 Her meanings all but drowned in the immensity of it all .
22 Families are to be encouraged to live in their own homes rather than to rely on the state ( in the form of local authorities ) for the provision of council housing .
23 Almost exclusively inspired by the essence rather than seduced by the charm of this region .
24 So also , where an impoverished family left their accommodation on receipt of a distress warrant for rent arrears rather than wait for an eviction order , they were held by the House of Lords to have become homeless intentionally and this encouraged local housing authorities to require such orders before accepting such homeless applicants .
25 She closed her eyes grimly and pointed at the table .
26 And Merson revealed : ‘ The boss called me in on Monday and told me that it would be best if I played in the reserves on Tuesday rather than travel with the squad to Blackburn .
27 The temptation to stay alone at home and hear a favourite programme rather than go to a party is after all vividly real .
28 communications , where people prefer formal communication from the department rather than relying on the ‘ grapevine ’ ;
29 The obvious question arises — what amount of use would justify material being purchased for library stock rather than borrowed through the interlending network ?
30 The crows avoided the central green eggs , but they shifted to nearby wheatfields rather than travelling to the white eggs .
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