Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] as she could " in BNC.

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1 Maybe she could have surfeited him with pleasure as surely as she could have overwhelmed him with agony .
2 For one awful moment , she thought she had persuaded her , then , with a cry of triumph , Rose hurled the ring as far as she could into the surrounding darkness .
3 She made herself breathe through her mouth as slowly as she could to hush her own sounds , and inhaled the odours of the earth with her own warm respiration .
4 Bravely , she shut her mind as firmly as she could against the fears that kept crowding in on her as she hurried through the shadows cast by great trees or trod across soggy glades that made her think with a shudder of hidden bogs .
5 " Please , Great-grandfather , do n't let my father be angry with me for what Kim did , " she prayed silently , closing her eyes as tightly as she could in an effort to add force to her thoughts .
6 She had pleaded for help as eloquently as she could .
7 As she followed Penry as quickly as she could she looked about her at the island with interest , curious to see what had lain behind a veil of sea mist and rain since her dramatic arrival .
8 She pushed the bike out into the road and back to Cramer as quickly as she could .
9 Turning , she hobbled back to her room as fast as she could and took her jewel box out of the drawer .
10 There was no one about in the woods , so she 'd better hurry back to the town as fast as she could .
11 Well , he was certainly in a good mood , and no sign so far as she could see that he had been drinking what Matey called ‘ his nasty whisky ’ , so she prepared herself to play him .
12 Not giving her resolve time to weaken , she slipped off her shoes and hurtled up the alley as fast as she could go .
13 She scrambled down the tree as fast as she could .
14 She drove it into the side of his head as hard as she could , hearing a crack as she smashed his temporal bone .
15 She must get away from Nathan Bryce as fast as she could .
16 Evelyn took this latest blow as bravely as she could , but Sam and Rose felt terrible .
17 She had written to the Mother General , she had put Eve 's case as persuasively as she could .
18 With an exclamation of disgust , she pushed herself to her knees and flung the offending branch as far as she could in temper at her own stupidity .
19 Robyn walked forward into the brightly lit , ultra-modern kitchen as purposefully as she could manage and took the mug of steaming coffee he held out to her with shaking hands .
20 He was all muscle and sinew , with no spare flesh as far as she could tell , the aura of strength very marked even in repose as he lay relaxed , his hands clasped behind his head , his face shuttered and dreaming as he listened to the music .
21 ‘ Oh , not Lady Macleod , surely , ’ she said sweetly , putting a gloved hand out to him , and then proceeding to remove her gloves as provocatively as she could .
22 She snapped the locks on the case , lifting it from the table , wanting only to get away from Luke Calder as fast as she could .
23 ‘ I 'm terribly sorry about your aunt 's jewellery , ’ Charity said , verbally scampering back to safe ground as fast as she could .
24 Carrie lifted her arm and threw the skull as hard as she could .
25 ‘ Those who can not hear must feel the rod of correction , ’ she declaimed , raising the stick as she advanced , Martha let out a shriek , leaped to her feet and , barely aware of her action , hit the old woman as hard as she could on the side of the head , knocking her against the wall .
26 Artemis sat back and pulled on her reins as hard as she could .
27 Dropping the Brownie Annual , Jenny ran up the dale alongside the river as hard as she could go .
28 A large bird , a crow as far as she could tell , flapped up from picking at something on the ground and wheeled away high above her .
29 Slowly , she opened the door as quietly as she could .
30 Her eyes swept over the audience as far as she could see beyond the footlights .
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