Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [pron] have not [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 If they apply the law incorrectly they have not performed their duty correctly and judicial review is available to correct their error of law so that they may make their decision upon a proper understanding of the law .
2 " But a few months later , in exile , he did ask the Shah why he had not chosen Ovesissi .
3 She will be pilloried for making this record , she will be told it is an ill-advised change of musical direction , foolish to do yet more cover versions when she has not established herself as a songwriter , madness to be so outspoken , dubbed Mrs Bonkers of Ireland — by people she cared little about .
4 Several hours later I had not heard anything of the incident , so it seemed likely that the Officer had not reported the matter , or Lovat had just shrugged it off .
5 Lieutenant-general Wolfgang Schwanitz , the new head of the Office for National Security , the former Stasi , was asked the other day why he had not opposed and exposed excesses when he was deputy head of the organisation .
6 For a long time that night too he had not slept , had lain thinking , wondering what to do , listening to the delicate sounds like tiny bubbles breaking — and then hearing them no more .
7 A few hours ago he had not known that she existed , now he was a licensed voyeur , authorized to meddle in her most intimate concerns .
8 not been putting on any loud music recently I 've not had , I 'll stretch it out a little bit , but erm you know , we had a heater in here and er , record player and er ra er radio and that .
9 During the expedition which was undertaken in the depth of winter he passed 5 weeks in the bush without seeing a civilised being sleeping occasionally in a Tent , sometimes under a cart but more frequently on the bare ground wrapped in a Kangaroo skin rug still he had not had a cold or the slightest disorder … ’
10 Ron as far as the Saudi claim is concerned you will be aware that I have written to all regions explaining the reason why we have not presented a claim , no other union has presented a claim in British Coal and if we do present a claim at this point in time , I 'll tell you what the answer will be .
11 I was daft to think that was Cormac 's doing , she thought , but it was partly the reason why she had not tried to see her friend .
12 When Kisling asked Beatrice why she had not turned up , Modigliani replied : ‘ I am responsible .
13 reasons why you have not paid SSP .
14 Otherwise , there may be good reasons why he has not advanced , perhaps because he has been ill or over-tired .
15 WHY has my insurance gone up by 30pc in one year when I have not made a claim in 40 years , touch wood ?
16 He hat talked about his brother 's death , and for the first time ever someone had not laid the blame at his door .
17 The amount that we do overseas fluctuates but I can not remember a time when we have not had an overseas project going on .
18 There had never been a time when they had not wrangled , and yet after his fashion he was fond of her .
19 He could not remember a time when he had not known .
20 Dinah Asshe could not remember a time when she had not enjoyed dressing up .
21 The innocent words suddenly filled me with horror : there had been a time before I was born , a time when I had not existed , a time when I lacked individual consciousness — this last being the most horrifying notion .
22 The fact that the visitor has a specific skill is not in itself sufficient to absolve the occupier where he has not exercised the requisite degree of care .
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