Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] it [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 If employers ignore advice and subsequently it emerges that it was a real problem , that steps should have been taken , that research elsewhere showed it to be a reasonable system to look after employees mental health , then the scale is potentially enormous .
2 The latter had been scrapped by the Supreme Council upon its declaration of independence , but Gorbachev now ordered it to be restored .
3 Rockwell 's victory was the first to be scored by the newly formed 124 Squadron , otherwise known as the ‘ Escadrille Americaine ’ — until pressure from the Isolationist lobby in Washington shortly caused it to be changed to the ‘ Escadrille Lafayette ’ .
4 This formulation still allows it to be a justifiable ground for causing pain that it will promote a ‘ greater ’ pleasure , when no equivalent pleasure can be obtained otherwise .
5 Puritans also believed it to be their pressing duty to agitate for the introduction of godly reforms into the church .
6 This would solve the problem choosing a new amp and getting to a gig only to find it to be a wimp .
7 This is why we need to ask how marriage can be remade as God originally intended it to be .
8 As they approached , Reni rose from his seat at a table near the large rectangular pool which was the centrepiece of what — as Huy now saw it to be — was an unconventionally asymmetrical garden .
9 client 's best interests a transaction which is fee or commission earning can not be recommended or effected unless the Firm reasonable believes it to be in the Client 's best interests
10 It is important to note that the criteria range must not have any blank rows so reset it to be just a single row before giving the new Extract command .
11 It is submitted that there is no good reason why an obligation of confidence should not arise if the supplier of the information clearly expresses it to be confidential .
12 ‘ This led to a tightening up of the law and Knowsley 's environmental health and trading standards officers will continue to monitor the sale of food in the borough to ensure that it is as safe as the public rightly expects it to be . ’
13 Once doubts about the feasibility of such a system finally caused it to be shelved indefinitely , the government sought other ways of extending parental choice , once it had introduced reforms to school government to increase opportunities for parental involvement at school level ( see Chapter 3 ) .
14 Thus , for example , criminal sexual conduct in the first degree is established where the defendant engages in sexual penetration with another and the actor is armed with a weapon or any article used or fashioned in a manner to lead the victim reasonably to believe it to be a weapon .
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