Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 In most cases , working on the legs and thighs alone shifts cellulite from the surrounding areas because lymphatic drainage is very much increased all-round .
2 In a similar vein , Geis ( 1978 : 281 ) writes that ‘ the heavy electrical equipment price-fixing conspiracy alone involved theft from the American people of more money than was stolen in all of the country 's robberies , burglaries , and larcenies during the years in which the price fixing occurred ’ .
3 It has taken Fraud Squad officers months just to obtain clearance from the Egyptian authorities for an evidence-gathering trip .
4 Sir David also rejected pressure from the UDHK for representation on the Executive Committee ( Exco ) , Hong Kong 's chief policy-making body .
5 Indeed , some pacifists even drew comfort from the idea that modern weapons had become so destructive that no one was likely to contemplate actually using them ; others were reassured by the apparent improvement in Anglo-German relations after the upheavals of the Balkan Wars of 1912 .
6 The ANC also received encouragement from the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) which announced on April 29 that it would consider staging a general strike if the government failed to take effective steps to halt the violence .
7 This technique usually involves instruction from a therapist but may be learnt with practice and patience alone .
8 This device eventually prompted criticism from a number of quarters , most notably the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy .
9 They had become the first team ever to escape relegation from the top division not having won an away game .
10 The initiative also had support from the United States and the Soviet Union .
11 Where monks sat in quiet contemplation , guests now seek sanctuary from the city 's bustle amid lush palms and ivy .
12 Charterail — set up two years ago to draw freight from the roads — also blamed its collapse on ‘ unfruitful discussions ’ with transport minister Roger Freeman .
13 Ernest regularly had advice from the emigrants'society and this he would read out aloud .
14 But in this sense , creativity of the writer also requires creativity from the reader , who must fill in the gaps of sense with an associative logic of his own .
15 As far as housing is concerned , focusing attention on the disruptive social effects of the newcomers alone diverts attention from the fact that rural housing is not only a matter of ( increasing ) demand , but of supply and need .
16 Senior civil servants somehow find time from the burdens of office to sit around deliberating over who really deserves what .
17 Dr Carey also faces opposition from the Vatican , which said the decision was ‘ a grave obstacle ’ to reconciliation between the churches .
18 The course for staff also included input from the Department of Management Studies , giving them a management skills , as well as a personal development , focus .
19 Even as civil society endlessly displaces corruption from the social body as a whole on to its low life , the latter reveals both the original source and full extent of corruption within the dominant itself ( pp. 16 , 174 ) .
20 The approach also diverted attention from the broader causes of poverty .
21 Marx explained the regime of Napoleon III as an arbiter state temporarily gaining autonomy from the balance of class forces , a situation which he insisted could occur only when the transition from capitalism to socialism was already in train .
22 Although this was true for some respondents , most policemen and women in Easton periodically sought reassurance from the researcher about the purpose of the research , what was being written down about them , who would have access to the material , what the researchers ' politics , religion , allegiances , and so on were .
23 But Mrs Goreng then got help from an unexpected quarter ; although maybe not totally surprising .
24 Thinking this would be successful , Dick then declared independence from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons .
25 In passing the bill Bourassa successfully resisted pressure from the separatist Parti Quebecois for an immediate referendum to capitalize on the post-Meech Lake disenchantment felt by many francophone Quebeckers towards anglophone Canada .
26 If a major repair is involved and some doubt exists over the quality of the repairer please request advice from an approved local Marine Surveyor — see SCI Other Classes , Marine SCI 1 .
27 The Swedes recently sought support from the Commission to beef up the 1979 Geneva convention on long-range trans-boundary pollution .
28 A just arrived report from the US embassy , Bucharest , states that 13 young people were killed by automatic weapons fire from government security forces during a major anti-regime demonstration , which continues now in the centre of Bucharest , about two blocks from the embassy .
29 In addition you will need to decide whether you want a type that will act as a further embellishment of your scheme or one that blends insignificantly into the background in order not to detract attention from the curtains themselves .
30 In order not to divert attention from the components of performance of the total of recognised gains and losses for the period , if included as a primary statement , the reconciliation should be shown separately from the statement of total recognised gains and losses .
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