Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Claudia would have shrivelled at the note in Roman 's voice , but Dana only laughed and put her hand on his arm .
2 Stevie and I are going to put our heads together to try and reconstruct them for Midge .
3 He lay awake through the night wishing he could go home or into the sitting room and watch a horror movie , and then , as the room paled with the threat of day , he drifted into an uneasy sleep , finally waking in full light with a foul taste in his mouth and the disjointed memory of a dream in which he was trapped in a lift dressed in women 's underwear and wondering how to explain it when the fire brigade finally came and rescued him .
4 Get an upholsterer just to come and tidy it up
5 Are you going to use credit insurance , take your chances , use some of the methods already described or cover yourself by some other method ?
6 Well li what what happens , does the the the crime just vanish or does it move somewhere else , do do do do the problems move around ?
7 Splendid buildings with grand entrances and such smart people going in and out that it was a pleasure just to stand and watch them .
8 Blinking her eyes rapidly to try and clear her head , Sarah said , ‘ Come inside and I 'll go and look . ’
9 Reminding the Assembly that the Soviet Union had stopped production of chemical weapons , Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze on Sept. 26 proposed that the Soviet Union and the United States bilaterally reduce or destroy their chemical weapons ; and that they renounce use of such weapons , under any circumstances , as the first step towards their global elimination .
10 Mambo Leo was popular not for its opinions but because it was well produced , entertaining and readable ; nevertheless , its popularity did not mean that its readers either believed or trusted it .
11 It does not give an example of how revenue expenditure is allocated down to Regions , Districts and Units , and the ‘ before and after ’ cases of their allocations showing the impact of capital charges , and how they will change when Districts or Units actually increase or decrease their employment of fixed assets .
12 We all have a responsibility not to misuse or abuse anything , be it in any belief we may hold or driving a car .
13 What Claudia had in mind was some colouring of the evidence so that the district officer , Miles Turnbull , a harassed , overworked but popular man , who was dead — bien entendu — could be seen to have acted rashly in asking his askaris to point a gun at Tepilit , which Tepilit naturally interpreted as meaning they were about to shoot him .
14 Tina only laughed and shook her head .
15 ‘ And the reason the boy wonder suddenly rang and invited me to watch him go through his paces was because he wanted to show off something rotten , ’ she teased , intent on bringing him back down to earth .
16 Some parents persistently overlook or ignore their children 's good behaviour .
17 Once I did ask Agnes about the Luciferi but the girl just paled and shook her head .
18 If we look at each of the consonants just mentioned and see which of the features each one has , we get a table like this , where + means that a phoneme does possess that feature and — means that it does not :
19 But some of the branches apparently just like pinned it up , been quite happy to pin up the returned fax and then each consultant just gone and read his own bit .
20 In other cases , the doctor should , of course , seek to respect the patient 's wishes , since , in any event , the patient will be requesting the doctor to do only that which the law already requires and permits him to do , with perhaps some greater specificity as to detail .
21 Lutyens had been struck by the emphasis she had placed on the word — and on her choice of it ; chaste was not a word Miss Jekyll usually employed when planning her gardens , and Lutyens bore it in mind throughout — hence the austerity to which he adhered on the terraces .
22 Government attempts to form a social pact with the trade unions and business sector also failed as did its attempt to gain public acceptance for its plan against poverty .
23 He 'd soon be shouting at the window to call the boss up to go and get him some drink — usually home-brewed beer .
24 Parenting skills often need to be taught so that parents accurately recognize and understand their child 's behaviour and reactions ( Lieberman and Birch 1985 ) .
25 ‘ 'E dai n't say that did 'e ? ’
26 After that one visit to Cheltenham she had known that Lilian Carrow neither liked nor trusted her .
27 Wheeler certainly knew or suspected something about candles since he 's been questioning Williams about them , ’ said Ian , recalling his unsatisfactory conversation with the Verger .
28 The fact that he was already at home never hurt or worried me .
29 I asked erm Ian yesterday to try and give me the dates so I , I 'm , I expect him to come back to me today with some idea on that .
30 Make sure you see it in the shop properly erected and test it out by rocking it back and forth ( as a toddler would ) to see how much it would stand before falling over .
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