Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The blades , twisted like tentacles , were then dumped in the corner of the field , near a hangar , which of course swiftly became known as the Octopus Den .
2 A sitting scheduled for Oct. 19 was cancelled , and the UDF deputies only agreed to return to the Assembly after a compromise was reached in crisis talks with Zhelev .
3 Gazzer only had to stand in the middle of the towpath and wait as the man approached him .
4 Now , in a bit of a rush : the asparagus was excellent , but its finger-bowls arrived late , so that buttery fingers only got rinsed at the last bite .
5 Will the Minister ensure that when the Housing Executive engages in new build it will incorporate in every scheme a large number of two-bedroomed bungalows and a number of houses especially built to cater for the needs of the disabled ?
6 Although policies obviously varied according to the occupational structure and size of the company ( Hannah 1986 ) , large organizations were considered more likely to instigate rigid retirement policies than were small ones ( Acton Society Trust 1960 ) .
7 Hereford and Worcester has already voted for a similar ban , Northamptonshire 's decision only has to go to the full council , and Gloucestershire votes next week .
8 This must be the person , body , or institution most qualified to deal with the particular issue .
9 No doubt a great deal eventually comes to rest in the deep ocean basins , hut these are not environments much represented in the stratigraphical record of the continents , which have been our main preoccupation .
10 There are times when prejudice only contributes to conflict in the narrow band of outlook and experience where that prejudice exists .
11 Yet the law imposed prescriptions apparently designed to mark off the Jews from other nations .
12 It therefore looks as though Swegen wintered in England , and in the following spring perhaps went plundering in the Irish Sea , for one of the versions of the Welsh chronicle known as the Annales Cambriæ records the harrying of the Isle of Man by a Swegen son of Harald in a year which is likely to be 995 .
13 Corbett just sat staring at the wet walls : the cell was narrow and fetid , a grating high in the wall gave a little air and light .
14 Up to the time of voting Ratsiraka had not accepted the new conditions of the Constitution ; his federalist supporters nevertheless agreed to participate in the elections .
15 All three landing gear legs were torn off shortly after ground impact and the aircraft finally came to rest on the belly of the fuselage .
16 I threw the saucepan away to get rid of the memory and the smell .
17 On 5th June , Richard finally set sail on the final leg of his long journey , reaching Tyre next day .
18 The fact that the Wolof turn out to be less ‘ logical ’ when in their own environment than when in contact with European influences just happens to follow from the tests , whatever we might want to believe .
19 And for the second time since she 'd first met him , he turned on his heel and left her , his blistering words still seeming to echo in the very air around her .
20 The equipment — in perfect condition after lying hidden for 50 years — will chronicle a time when each factory had its own firefighting force specially trained to deal with the Luftwaffe 's terrifying weaponry .
21 The use of words also helps to bring across the message of the poem with words such as ‘ futility ’ and ‘ fatuous ’ giving the distinct impression that Wilfred Owen has almost given up everything that he once believed in because he feels that everyone is going to kill each other anyway .
22 1.3 THE Parties HEREBY AGREE to abide by the following statements and undertakings .
23 The men 's eyes automatically swivelled left to the women 's section at a tasteful thirty yards ' distance .
24 I think it was significant that we were able to do well without Sandy Lyle and without Bernard Langer contributing a point — Ballesteros , Woosnam and Faldo also failed to score on the last day .
25 During the seventeenth century in England " gilt plate " , its weight carefully graded to accord with the importance and traditional status of the ruler who , through his representative , was being honoured in this way , was the most normal gift .
26 Animals also need to cope with the severity of winter , and they have developed a variety of ways of doing this .
27 Its history was of minor significance in itself , although its activities did lead to a degree of confrontation which acted as a precursor to the political violence later to become associated with the BUF in the 1930s .
28 Small portions of these types of soft coral also become detached from the main colony naturally and it helps to resite these offspring away from the parent colony to avoid competition for light and food which results if they are left too close together .
29 Are shoppers now expected to hover over the vegetable counter at the supermarket , stricken with anxiety trying to remember which greens cause cancer and which do not ?
30 Conflicting signals now began to emerge from the Commission .
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