Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] could [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ B/2 ’ trolley masts with sloping caps which could be turned through the full circle .
2 If anything , he looked younger and fitter , he 'd certainly kept himself in trim , although the hair was thinning and he seemed to be cultivating one long strand on the right side which could be plastered over the scalp .
3 Inward investment which could be accommodated within the existing plans existing strategies on existing sites .
4 5 ) The main priority was to develop databases which could be shared between members of the group and used as introductory material for school librarians who had newly acquired microcomputers .
5 They usually had in addition the right to gather firewood which could be collected without the use of an edged instrument , and in some cases the right to take housebote and haybote under the supervision of the foresters and verderers .
6 After initial experiments with raised beds , ramps and customised tools some lateral thinkers from both groups came up with the idea of a wheelchair with a seat which could be lowered to the plants at ground level .
7 The chosen means of achieving this end was to provide local authorities with central government funds which could be used for housing construction and enable the level of rents to be subsidized out of general Exchequer funds — in other words , the framework of the system of public housing finance with which we are familiar today .
8 Attention was then turned towards possible funds which could be recovered from former Drexel employees , most notably Milken .
9 ‘ No court shall exercise its powers to make a specific issue order or prohibited steps order — ( a ) with a view to achieving a result which could be achieved by making a residence or contact order ; …
10 ‘ No court shall exercise its powers to make a specific issue order or prohibited steps order — ( a ) with a view to achieving a result which could be achieved by making a residence or contact order ; …
11 The court can not exercise its powers to make a specific issue or prohibited steps order with a view to achieving a result which could be achieved by a residence or contact order ( s9(5) ( a ) ) .
12 Van den Boogard concentrated his study on revealing characteristics shared by the Anglo-Norman fabliaux which could be explained by reference to the peculiar situation of the Anglo-Norman community .
13 It revealed a sorry state of affairs in schools which could be attributed to the cuts in educational spending — something that proved embarrassing to the government of the day .
14 I had mentioned the unquantifiable public relationships which could be generated during a secondment and argued for the intangible value of the many hundreds of contacts I had made which could not easily be costed in purely fiscal terms .
15 In 1647 he implemented a suggestion for a universal ‘ character ’ made by Francis Bacon [ q.v. ] ( 1605 ) , and later by John Wilkins [ q.v. ] in Mercury ( 1641 ) , by inventing A Common Writi ng , i.e. a system of symbols which , like Arabic numerals , represented words which could be realized in any language .
16 Quite apart from their own reservations about the wisdom of the American action in Panama , most EC governments believe it would be impossible to find the form of words which could be agreed by the British Government and by Spain and other critics of the US intervention .
17 By means of a national telephone survey , it explores the variables which could be implicated in ATM usage ; socio-economic status , cash management styles , practical experiences with ATMs and general acceptance of new technology .
18 Yet nearby landowners had little option other than to tolerate the threat to law and order which the existence of open villages implied because the closed parishes to some extent relied upon the open ones to provide a pool of reserve labour which could be used during periods of peak demand like harvest , but which would not at other times become a charge on the poor rate .
19 Rather , it constituted an almost limitless pool of cheap labour which could be hired on a casual basis in response to the expansion or concentration of the economy .
20 It laid great emphasis on value for money auditing and recommended that all health authorities establish value for money teams whose role would be to effect annual savings which could be used for improving services .
21 For instance , there is evidence that a long history of failure in an important area of a person 's life makes them particularly vulnerable to depression in the context of a major loss or disappointment which could be interpreted as further evidence of their lack of competence .
22 This defect was ingeniously got over by developing a hardener which could be painted by itself on to one half of the joint while the glue was painted on the other half , nothing began to happen in the glue until the two halves were brought together .
23 The environment will generate demands which could be met by the increment in the budget without challenging the existing budget thus leaving existing programmes of expenditure untouched .
24 Defence and foreign ministers of the nine member countries of the Western European Union ( WEU ) , meeting in Bonn , Germany , on June 19 , agreed to set up a joint military force which could be deployed for peacekeeping , humanitarian and other missions , including the deployment of " combat forces in crisis management " , in Europe and elsewhere .
25 The February 1987 issue printed a list of books which could be obtained from Vanguard Books .
26 Harrods Library , which had an extensive clientele , used to publish long lists of ex-library books which could be bought at a third of the price when new , or less if rebound for library use .
27 It is worth checking what is available on video with a view to picking short sequences which could be used as mind stretchers occasionally at the beginning of a training session .
28 The providers of these training modules were the education authorities and colleges of education who offered a number of area sessions which could be attended by individual members from boards .
29 These identifications are part of the reason for their continued autonomy from the lowlands , in that they prevent the Buid from developing internal hierarchies which could be manipulated by more powerful state societies .
30 In 1954 the breed 's South African journal made the point that wool farmers wanted a breed of cattle that needed no coddling to produce milk for the house and top-price slaughter oxen whose main role was to keep the veld short for sheep , while the mixed grass veld farmer wanted a good cream cheque , a bullock to work and a profitable steer which could be fed on surplus grain .
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