Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] would [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Although of course I would rather have a Pissarro .
2 If he were n't my son-in-law I would n't lift a finger to help him .
3 ‘ If I had n't replied to a client for five months I would almost expect a visit from them in response to a complaint ! ’
4 One way to discourage such demands was secretly to salt a shallow anchorage with a bag of rotted chicken heads which would quickly draw a sinuous and evil-looking pack of otherwise harmless sand sharks that would twist menacingly under our keel and persuade the paying customers to seek the deeper darker waters offshore .
5 About five weeks ago , I had been invited to a presentation by Garth Enterprises , who were unveiling their plans for a golf course and leisure complex which would also include a hotel and the provision of some expensive houses alongside each fairway .
6 Moreover , they are suitable only for residential roads where the traffic flow is light ( a peak flow of under 250v/hr in both directions ) and are not therefore applicable to larger city districts which would normally contain a hierarchy of road types .
7 That 's why he 's a massive hit with fans who would normally barrack a boss when the team is struggling .
8 I mean even if you double the size of the Thames Valley force you would n't have a police officer outside every pub .
9 You do n't necessarily get a better job with a performance spec than you would simply by specifying that you had more cuts because in er in a slow growing year , if you like , the contractor actually gains because he does n't need to cut so many times to comply with a maximum of a hundred millimetres length , whereas if you 've got an eleven level cut you would actually have a continuous length of grass , much shorter , so it would look smarter .
10 If we play like we did second half against Watford we would n't have a problem .
11 It is because the individual animal is the unit of study that this is a cluster sample ; if herds were the unit of study we would simply have a simple random sample of herds .
12 If this stuff was a car it would now require an MOT .
13 If he discovered a new rule he would immediately seek a way of breaking it , and I had assumed that he would have some sympathy with those who flouted the laws against drugs , yet there was no denying the genuine anger in his voice when he talked of cocaine .
14 While the booksellers were looking at his books he would quietly nick a few of theirs to sell to another shop .
15 And wielding the axe on the prison plan would be one way of saving money which would not provoke a public out-cry unlike some of his other targets in the health and social security budgets .
16 If I were a girl I would n't let a man go near me !
17 Your talk would be part of a morning session which would also include a presentation about bus stops and shelters and one about bus stations and termini ; the latter would be followed by a visit to Glenrothes Bus Station .
18 This , they noted , was particularly so in the German companies which would presumably have a comparative advantage over British firms in this respect anyway .
19 What that in some areas somebody would n't get an application whereas that they would in other areas ?
20 Though if you ask me he 's a nasty piece of work who would n't bat an eyelid whatever she might do …
21 After most peoples experiences of travelling on camels they would probably find a penny farthing easier , but Robyn Davidson trekked 1,700 miles across the Australian desert with two camels and a dog for company .
22 It 's very easy , we all use jargon , we use jargon in the newsroom , if you ever heard a conversation at Radio Cambridgeshire you would n't understand a word of it .
23 Sometimes she would come back with a posy of flowers , other times she would just spend an hour deep in meditation .
24 When it comes to safety when it comes to safety I would rather have an electric cooker .
25 It was already chaotically busy with officials and administrators knitting together the many responsibilities which would eventually make a successful tournament .
26 It was the Regent Street of Cairo ; except that in Regent Street you would not see a man walking by with a stuffed crocodile on his head or a pig being carried by in a cage .
27 What would happen is the prescription would be written and they 'd either get it from the chemist who would constantly have a stock coming in or the hospital .
28 However , in half-anticipation , I 'd calculated that after the one hour twenty flight from Porto we would still have a two hours forty endurance at 75 per cent cruise for the return flight to Porto in order to clear Customs back into Spain .
29 I have been to the Benefits Agency in my constituency , where the manager and staff made it plain to me that if staff were concerned about their safety they would not wear a name badge — but most of them want to because they want to be able to be identified by the public , so that if someone rings up a week later he can identify the person to whom he spoke a week before .
30 Cook said that if he did not make the South African team he would seriously consider a return to county cricket .
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