Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] are [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Those who think that ideas consist of images which are formed in us by the concourse of bodies … regard ideas as lifeless pictures on a board , and preoccupied thus with this misconception they do not see that an idea , insofar as it is an idea , involves affirmation or negation .
2 MAS maintains a computerised database , called BUYERS , of potential purchasers and their acquisition criteria against which all acquisition opportunities which are brought to us or come to our attention are screened .
3 We maintain a computerised database of potential purchasers and their acquisition criteria against which all acquisition opportunities which are brought to us or come to our attention are screened .
4 ‘ Mind is the instrument through which consciousness fashions specific , clearly defined mental representations of the world of sensations which are channelled through our senses and reflected in the intellect . ’
5 And for the benefit of those readers who are persuaded by his arguments ( and those who are not , too ) , may I refer you to a letter from Simon Kyte appealing for financial and professional help for the Humanitarian Appeal for Victims of the Yugoslav Civil War .
6 Receive ( if required ) a list of professional dressmakers who are working in your area .
7 All parties who are represented before me were represented before the justices .
8 A political analysis , in a non-party sense , involves consideration of how the proposal is likely to be viewed by the parties who are affected by it , in particular the resource providers .
9 That 's why you meet so many people at parties who are falling over themselves to recommend their accountant , dentist , gardener or solicitor , as if having a good one automatically bestowed a halo of good judgement on the one who found him first .
10 The market for New York real estate is very soft , compared with the rent we are paying for our Tokyo gallery ’ .
11 Thus having sold Rocky we are left with no-one who can put his foot on the ball and control the game ( Macca excepted ) .
12 Do n't start telling someone about the effect they are having on you when you are angry or feeling over-emotional .
13 If someone else is annoying us either deliberately or unconsciously , then we have to talk to them to explain the effect they are having on us .
14 Thus , although interest groups may look as if they are organized chiefly for public goods , in practice they are sustained by their ability to deliver selective incentives to their members which make joining worthwhile .
15 The Statute of Westminster 1931 , the various Independence Acts may , in theory , be capable of repeal , but in practice they are entrenched in our constitution .
16 If only those people realised the harm they are doing to their health by not allowing themselves to show what they really feel — sometimes not even admitting those feelings to themselves — perhaps they would unbend a little .
17 How will the hard men of the IRA react , when they hear at first hand what harm they are doing to everything they say they stand for ?
18 Now that the EC Second Banking Coordination Directive is in force ( from 1 January 1993 ) , EC credit institutions which are authorised in their home state can provide a range of banking and investment services in all other member states on the basis of that authorisation .
19 I do n't think that anyone could contemplate a retrospective of Matisse without the involvement at least of the four central institutions which are collaborating on our exhibition : the two Russian museums ; Paris and ourselves .
20 Every British geology student knows about the " liver-coloured " quartzite pebbles which are found in our Triassic conglomerates ( referred to earlier ) and which are said to have come all the way from the Ordovician " Gres Armoricain " and " Gres de May " of Brittany ( plate 1.13 ) , even though this implies the transportation of pebbles up to 20 or 30 cm diameter for several hundred kilometres up to the English Midlands .
21 CAHAG claims it will set a precedent for other authorities , allowing it to challenge other authorities which are failing in their duty .
22 Deindustrialization , defined as the declining relative importance of manufacturing , brings changes in the kinds of places many people work in , changes in the skills which are demanded of them , in the unions they belong to ( or do not ) , and a whole range of other social changes consequent upon the shifting balance of employment opportunities .
23 All research students are required to take the courses in research methods and skills which are specified by their departments .
24 The pursuit of fantasy solutions has repeatedly drained energy from the much more difficult business of pursuing workable models for change which are rooted in what actually happens and could be made to happen in our schools .
25 These are the cases which are known to everyone .
26 A court must be able to exercise some measure of control over the cases which are brought before it , to prevent injustice to either party and to ensure that the various issues can be fully and effectively dealt with .
27 Even if the catechisms of ‘ correct thought ’ are updated and find new roots , and old upbeat endings are set to more popular and contemporary tunes , they will not be able to generate the more intricate models or maps which are required to confront successfully the types of racism which are evidenced by our two transcripts .
28 Previous studies with tyr T DNA and cobalt-bleomycin , which binds to DNA but does not cause strand cleavage , showed that the antibiotic produces footprints which are centred around its cleavage sites [ 10 ] .
29 ‘ Internal objects ’ are images , or imagos , of our past experiences which are retained in our inner worlds .
30 Whilst riding , children are experiencing various speeds and directions which are influenced by their own body weight and steering ability .
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