Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] say [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I said to him about holding back not giving us our quota I said they can see we 're not doing now . .
2 Because here I think we see one of the chief reasons why Freud adopted the term libido and why when we talked about libido through last term I said we would see that there were some very good reasons in Freud 's erm application of his ideas to society for having this libido and that now we 've come to it , what what kind of libido are Dean and Duncan talking about ?
3 er , I said if it had been a normal Saturday I said we 'd have cancelled that you know , we 'd have met you in Duffley but er , I said my mum 's supposed to be dancing .
4 The client expresses and believes in different , more rational interpretations — ‘ There is no rule which says somebody must love someone else , it would have been great if she 'd turned up but there are other girls I could ask out .
5 When she 'd poured the tea she said she must go out soon — " It gets dark so early this time of year " — and started to potter about the room getting dressed .
6 For example , we like the idea of benign scientific research , as we call it , to counter the whalers who say they will kill whales for science .
7 I 'm told it 's the 43rd single release off the album they said they 'd split up after if it did n't outsell Guns N' Roses ( or something ) .
8 No , but when , when Reg car he said he might put his .
9 Thus the only way by which the government might achieve a higher level of output would be by cheating , by not following the rule it says it will follow .
10 I said yes why , they can nae do that mister he said it 'll affect all the sensors on the machines oh ah
11 The initial allocation of system design responsibility was negotiated between the four aircraft companies , Deutsch Aerospace , British Aerospace , Carsa and Allenia and against the background of an M O U which said we must share the technology on this project between the four nations and in a particular way which ensures that each of the nations has got access to all the high technology aspects of the project er therefore the individual companies identified those areas of the project , were they felt they either could lead best or wish to lead and for the United Kingdom British Aerospace erm identified the avionics system integration as the major complex task that they would take responsibility for .
12 To avoid any more personal suffering I say he should contemplate going now to give his successor the chance to build a proper team to qualify for the World Cup finals .
13 During his next sermon he said he would leave Kidderminster rather than cause them to be guilty of his murder .
14 a blood test he said I should think what 's happened , that guy who 's seen you , has , I , cos I said it was his understudy , yeah , cos he said Wendy had seen Mr Hudson so obviously the notes were n't in there were they ?
15 But in a letter to Mr Pinder he said he could see no sign of any change in the policy .
16 There is a profound inertia and part of that in many places surely with it there is a profound inertia on another matter Dr Stuart referred to , in an answering a question he said I would see this as the , the role of the elder .
17 In five other cases a client was at home but admission to an old people 's home was already being organised so the development officer was unable to intervene ( though in three of these cases she said she would have been able to provide home support ) .
18 He said you were gon na give him something but you did n't know how long , long it 'll last when I was in the kitchen you said I 'll put this on but I do n't know how long it 'll last no
19 A PENSIONER who said she would die if her 84 dogs were taken away yesterday pledged to fight a two-year ban on keeping animals .
20 Within hours of its announcement , the plan was attacked by environmental groups who say they will bury President George Bush 's plan .
21 own place I said I should think you really , you know
22 when we send it back in a few days fitting , this job I says we 'll want it early in the morning and you can have it in the afternoon , but we were going to spend the day in Liverpool , but you 're dad said , I 'm not being round all those shops all day , so I said ooh no !
23 And then after oh , after a few weeks she said I 'll come in for a cup of tea .
24 I mean we have to work very hard in our own er relationship we 've had our ups and downs we 've gone through many difficult times like unemployment and even homelessness and you know we we 've gone through it but when you make your promises you say you 'll stay together for richer for poorer in sickness and in health and so on .
25 She runs a sort of company for readings and uncostumed actings of unusual plays , and when I told her about Unisoculous she said she would put it on .
26 Rain got through to Marshall who said he would take the call .
27 With the Maestro and Montego we said we 'd respond to customer demand .
28 How about what 's the American word for post they do n't say oh we 'll put it in the post they say we 'll put it in the ?
29 And that was only a fraction of the tricks he said he could do in his Heyday .
30 He was right when he said the question I would have to answer most was ‘ When do we reach so and so ? ’ … and if I were a regular waiter he said I would know the answers , even though we 're thirty-five minutes earlier everywhere than the regular Canadian . ’
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