Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] have [verb] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 This not being the case I have benefited much from the peace and quiet and from the fresh air .
2 Stories of atrocities from in and around Sarajevo by Serbs have numbed the world , but none have matched the tales of butchery and mutilation which have happened away from the cameras.The Wendlebury House normally operates as a home for underpriviledged children from London .
3 These discussions took place in the context of widespread doubts about Britain 's ‘ national efficiency ’ ; doubts which had arisen largely from our military incompetence during the Boer War .
4 The Brasserie , which they had hoped would equal L'Auberge 's trade , has only averaged 60 covers per day , and L'Auberge itself has fallen off from 90 in 1984 to 75 in 1985 .
5 Of the new ‘ Nepmen ’ , two were Jews who had come in from some other guberniia , and the other three all had military experience but little capital in goods or cash .
6 The waiting-room was moderately full and there were several clients who had come in from neighbouring villages .
7 The man looked round sharply at the figure who had emerged silently from inside the bar .
8 For centuries we have taken unremittingly from the earth .
9 It should be noted , however , that already with Schumpeter we have moved away from models based on the distinctiveness of the elite characteristic as an explanatory factor , to a lower-level operation which explicitly refers to realistic definitions rather than to explanations , and in which the model , such as it is , looks remarkably like a composite description of liberal democracy .
10 By the nineteenth , they were very important and expensive institutions which had moved far from their original concerns with navigation and positional astronomy .
11 It had been the Nordic states which had drawn back from the full implications of the Oslo and Ouchy Conventions of the 1930s .
12 I WROTE to the Prime Minister about short-wave radio broadcasts I had picked up from Yugoslavia , giving eyewitness accounts of atrocities by Serbians .
13 Many of the older people found it difficult to throw off the ‘ criminal , associations which had carried over from the fifties and sixties .
14 One day Jesus said to his friends : I am the Bread of Life I am the living Bread which has come down from heaven Anyone who eats this bread Shall live for .
15 Just an hour later tory hopeful , John Taylor began his campaign with top level backing from Health Minister , William Waldegrave , visiting a old people 's home which has opted out from the local authority .
16 Across ashen , unredeemable scenes , Shakespeare 's words resound with redoubled force and humanity ; they sound almost ironic , in their fruitless reaching towards the images and emotions which have drained away from a soulless , monochrome universe .
17 It is significant that one of the few occasions when the author of Ancrene Wisse hints at the contemplative experience occurs in his account of the behaviour appropriate at the Mass : ( After the kiss of peace in the Mass , when the priest communicates , forget the world , be completely out of the body , and with burning love embrace your Beloved who has come down from heaven to your heart 's bower , and hold Him fast until He has granted you all that you ask . )
18 ‘ For instance , should a child who has run away from home ring and ask that their parents be contacted , then the counsellors will do that and tell the mum and dad concerned where the child is , ’ she says .
19 Mr Van Eck said that he had recorded documentary evidence that police — some in plain clothes — had been shooting supporters of local headmen who had broken away from the committee running Crossroads , alleging fraud and corruption .
20 The fragment of the Quimper dish she had picked up from the dustpan on the kitchen floor that day when she and Thérèse had seen , when she saw , when the lady had shown herself for the second time .
21 She rose early and spent the morning with Aunt Emily or visiting the kitchen and garden and orchard and doing the household accounts and the correspondence she had taken over from her aunt .
22 But the office , where he was an unelevated lazy Indian who had run away from his wife and children , there was disapproval from the clerks he worked with : there was mockery behind his back and in front of his face .
23 Thus , the first book we know of printed in Norwich was in Dutch , for the benefit of the refugees who had fled there from the persecutions of the Duke of Alva in the Netherlands .
24 Holding the red Conway Stewart pen she had picked up from the grass , she went over the scene again and again .
25 In their ‘ kitchen ’ ( a sink , a hot plate and a kettle , with no proper cooking or storage facilities ) , they point proudly to some Tory Party mugs they had biked over from Smith Square after the election .
26 McAllister looked at him from under the long dark eyelashes which had won his heart from the very first moment when he had seen them , on his sofa , adorning the unconscious girl he had carried in from the street .
27 The next day the Prince was leading a small group of businessmen he had brought over from Britain , including Stephen O'Brien , to look at a scheme called the Boston Compact , evidence that the United States had woken up sooner than anyone else to the dilemma of falling educational standards .
28 She held up the notes she had copied down from the drums in the German docks .
29 Beador 's own response was reassuring — he thought it a ‘ ripping good idea ’ and gladly added Fontana to the travelling stable of two hunters she had brought down from Yorkshire .
30 Last month PHILIP VANN looked at artists who had come up from the mines to become artists ; in this issue he concentrates on those artists who went down to the pit to paint
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