Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] have [vb pp] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Again , the frequency of masturbation is perhaps highest among older males recently defeated by a newcomer male who has taken over the sexual role in his harem .
2 Mugica was reputed to be a Marxist Leninist who had taken over the ETA leadership after the killing of his less hardline predecessor , Eduardo Moreno Bergaretxe , in 1976 [ see p. 28087 ] .
3 Legal authorities who have taken over the case have imposed a blackout on information and until their investigations are complete and the case is ready to go to trial , probably in two to three months time , no-one can say how many fakes were involved , what their real value was , nor indeed how many people worked in the ring .
4 It was almost the first news story she had taken over the newsroom headphones and she knew the absolute importance of accuracy .
5 The explosions were now occurring in the area they had just evacuated , probably inflicting casualties on the British troops who had taken over the German trenches .
6 Yet in each of those insolvent years they had turned over a good half million .
7 America is his favourite way of talking about the undiscovered country , and it shows that as well as suicide and blanket boredom he has taken over the flavour of Raskolnikov 's joke about getting used to family life .
8 Well , in the cases we 've taken over the odd twenty years against some of the biggest companies in the world indicate that that is n't the er , position .
9 Q I HAVE taken over an allotment infested with bindweed .
10 There was the young woman and her baby who had moved into the space above the coach-house , and there was the noisy couple from Luton who had taken over the empty servants ' quarters up the back stairs .
11 Sally the lass who 's taken over the buying for precision bearings , is a great lass got on great with her , and Richard .
12 The opposition Fiji Labour National Federation Parties , led by Adi Kuini Bavadra ( the widow of the ousted Prime Minister who had taken over the party leadership after her husband 's death from cancer in 1989 ) , denounced the Constitution as racist and anti-democratic and announced its refusal to participate in elections held under its auspices .
13 The simultaneous news that the Commander in Chief of the Army , von Brauchitsch , had been relieved of his duties and that Hitler himself had taken over the direct military leadership of the army , together with the undeniable fact that the German advance had come to a halt and the Soviet counter-attack close to Moscow could only be staved off with partial retreats , and , not least , the entry of the United States into the war , combined to produce the first major shock to the German population during the Second World War .
14 This is because all possible fictions of scientific progress are virtual in present-day technology which has taken over the function of ‘ productive ’ simulation .
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