Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb past] [prep] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 In part the debate has been presented as an opposition between a broadly liberal programme — multiculturalism — and an antiracism which claimed for itself the mantle of left radicalism ( Dodgson and Stewart , 1981 ; Mullard , 1984 ; Troyna , 1987a ; Gill and Singh , 1987 ) .
2 The more Creggan himself stared at it the bigger and stranger it became , looming out of the mist , its grey shrouds entwined round it .
3 Jones had then worked closely with the docks employer , Lord Aldington , in getting a new wages agreement for the docks including a settlement for the problem of casual labour which drew on him the fire of many militant shop stewards amongst the stevedores .
4 The hostility of the army to the republic increased with the Catalan autonomy statute which represented to them the breaking up of the Spanish nation and a threat to national pride .
5 Here is the verse and chorus which appealed to me the most .
6 The lighting of one hundred beacons , from Jersey to the Shetland Isles , the street parties and special events and the climactic procession by the Queen along a processional route lined by one million people waving Union Jacks under a murky grey sky — all of this implied an attempt to reclaim something permanent and enduring a sense of national pride — which had been systematically eroded by Britain 's loss of standing as a world power , and by some dark and mysterious incoming tide which carried with it the flotsam of unemployment , inflation , rising crime and social decay .
7 In every city there were cinemas which specialized in what the Milwaukee Sentinel called ‘ immoral , evilly suggestive and crime-inducing spectacles ’ .
8 Tha that 's the answer to the general question I asked at what the poem' about .
9 The greater the longing he felt for her the more sensible he had tried to be .
10 The giant ignored this and killed all the children , at which moment there appeared to him the ghosts of Gunda and Wolfhead .
11 Consequently , all visitors entering the Exhibition Room on Survey days were approached by a member of the Library 's staff who outlined to them the object of the exercise and invited them to complete a questionnaire .
12 He offered an as yo as you read it there in the opening of chapter two , he offered her drink , at meal times she was to eat the food provided for Boaz servants he gave to her the extra portion of parched corn and also he provided extra gleaning for her .
13 Unlike the Scandinavian seafarers , however , the sixteenth-century Russians enjoyed an enormous military advantage over the indigenous people they encountered by having guns , and in addition they had behind them the organized power of the centralized state of Muscovy .
14 As she walked back to the barn she thought about what the marquis had said .
15 The public man who earned for himself the title ‘ Apostle of Pembrokeshire ’ must have been tenacious and fearless , like most of the Methodist revivalists .
16 You may remember , Mr. Speaker , that last year I raised with you the problem of coaches parked in and around Parliament square , which makes it impossible for the Sessional Order to be complied with .
17 In some forests he took for himself the profits of the minor pleas : a thirteenth-century Cumberland jury swore that if any man ‘ furtively ’ felled an oak in Inglewood Forest , then the warden 's duty was ‘ to attach his body according to the law of the forest ’ to answer before the Justice of the Forest at the Forest Eyre .
18 What would my father and mother say , and was n't it time I took upon myself the responsibility of my spiritual life at that time held in proxy by my godparents .
19 When Liam managed to get a word with her alone , she said the less fuss they made about it the sooner Nellie would get over it .
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