Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [adv] [vb past] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These were the copper sheathing which greatly reduced the fouling of their bottoms by weeds and the loss of speed this entailed ; and the carronade which greatly increased their fighting power .
2 Between 1903 and 1921 , when the Royal Naval College at Osborne on the Isle of Wight closed , 98 per cent of the cadets were outfitted by Gieves who then continued their service to Dartmouth cadets .
3 The BRC squad includes Rodney Wilson and David Webb who both learnt their rowing at Methodist College and continued at Queen 's before moving up to BRC .
4 The squadron also flew the Iraq Levies , A sort of RAF Regiment of the day , they were mainly Kurds who came from the far north of Iraq excellent soldiers but poor airmen who generally laid their breakfast on the cabin floor whilst we were taxying , to take-off .
5 Every day the London Evening Standard carried two or three small classified advertisements headed LOANS from lenders who only gave their telephone numbers , viz :
6 Most were casual or self-employed workers who could not be made to retire , and many were also small property-holders — an important factor which also made their position stronger for continuing at work .
7 A central object of the new Institute was to train these specialists in the ‘ sanction office ’ , keep them up to date with legislation and accounting techniques and make credit managers as much a part of a trading company 's marketing operation as sales managers who already had their association .
8 This , Paula soon discovered , was the way of the fashion world — a constant frantic rush against the clock , to have collections ready on time or to complete individual couture garments for customers who always considered their order more urgent , more important , than that of anyone else .
9 There was a direct connection with the shipyards , not only in terms of orders by British owners ( who now build abroad to a far greater extent than any other non-flag of convenience maritime nation ) , but through the training of engineering officers who traditionally served their time as fitters in the yards or engine works before going to sea .
10 This is hardly surprising when it is remembered how far the world has changed in living memory , and in ways which inevitably made their mark on theology itself .
11 They were produced at a time when lay people were being targeted for instruction in ways which further fostered their consciousness as individuals with self-defining choices to be made by the programme for revitalising the mission of the Church instituted by the fourth Lateran Council in 1215 .
12 Whether these bourgeois tried to ape the life style of the aristocracy or , like class-conscious Krupp and his fellow-magnates of the Ruhr , built themselves castles and industrial-feudal empires parallel to and more impressive than those of the Junkers whose titles they refused , they had to spend , and in a manner which inevitably brought their life style closer to that of the unpuritan aristocracy , and that of their womenfolk even more so .
13 Some of them , such as Mulvey 's films , and Tyndall , McCall , Pajaczkowska and Weinstock 's Sigmund Freud 's Dora ( 1979 ) , presupposed a knowledge of psychoanalytical theory which necessarily limited their appeal .
14 Having joked here about television 's inability to tell its expatriots ( people who once loved their country ) from its expatriates ( people who , like my mum and dad , live abroad ) on a lunchtime television programme somebody sent a cutting .
15 Alcoholics who still had their health , their families , their jobs , and even two cars in the garage , began to recognise their alcoholism .
16 When they learnt about the money they soon changed their tune .
17 It can be seen , therefore , that there were a number of small towns and settlements in Britain which clearly owed their origin and continued prosperity to certain specialized functions , while others acquired these functions with time , often as a result of direct imposition in accordance with central government policy .
18 They claimed that the two laboratory investigations performed on the painting since it was slashed with a Stanley knife in 1986 showed discrepancies which seriously undermined their validity .
19 The plaintiff was seriously and her husband fatally injured by an explosion of gas which also destroyed their home .
20 The energy paths of every being which literally made their way along here before me have permeated the very fabric of the earth and my footsteps are well guided indeed .
21 Time and again the IBA proved itself a sucker to serious-sounding prospectuses , awarding franchise to London Weekend Television and the new breakfast television service , TVAM , only for them to turn out complete flops which later recouped their investment by lowering standards .
22 That is not surprising , because it is inconceivable that we would have used a nuclear weapon in those circumstances , not least because of the negative security assurances which positively precluded their use in such circumstances .
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