Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I knew that she did n't believe in him as I did because in that case I would have recognised her as I had recognised Mother Joseph , who inhabited a territory which I had visited .
2 Either you have lost the letter or you did n't have it to lose in the first place , in which case the king never gave it to you , i which case he gave it to me , in which case I would have put it into my inside top pocket in which case ( Calmly producing the letter ) … it will be … here .
3 Well I 'll check in case I might have picked it up with my school stuff , to be honest
4 Of course I would have contacted you .
5 ‘ Of course I should have charged them !
6 I must insist we get back to the boundaries , I 've repeatedly had to do so this afternoon I would have thought it that the message would have got over to me honourable members before now .
7 ‘ If you were n't Eddie 's kid sister I 'd have given you a far harder ride for what you 've just accused me of this evening , so do n't push your luck , Dr Kate Ash , because you might come to regret it ! ’
8 If Kegan had waited another few minutes I could have got it settled .
9 It was the best wedding present I could have given her . ’
10 Roger I 'd 've given it you a lot quicker if you 'd given me a list of jobs to work on .
11 And erm I got down on my hands and knees I must 've done it for an hour
12 If he had n't been covered with blood I would have recognized him .
13 If you had waited for me to return and confronted me with your distress I would have told you .
14 The flood apart from ruining their home made their own car which should have taken them for the fully-paid honeymoon in Scotland , float off down the road and crash into another car .
15 ‘ There are failsafes which should have stopped it from doing this ! ’
16 The Doctor looked fascinated , explaining the nature of the injuries and the implements which could have caused them .
17 X-ray fluorescence ( XRE ) analysis ( see glossary ) of solders used on Roman silver suggests that the Roman silversmith did indeed use several different solders which could have given him a working temperature range from the melting point of silver ( 960°C ) , down to 180°C .
18 Now originally he would have given it to the servers who would have taken it out here .
19 Then out to his bed in a loft over the cowshed , leaving the family to draw in together in a cosy , alien-excluding unit around the flaming and hissing timber , to lie and smoke by the light of a candle and think o better days in the orphanage and wonder in unembittered fashion — for he had been happy there — about the mother who had abandoned him and the even shadowier lover who must have abandoned her .
20 Being an outsider she would have got it anyway , but this precipitated matters .
21 By the end of the interview she will have plaited it into a handy living-room rug , but for now Susanna wants to talk about her NME photo session .
22 If she could have picked up a rock she would have hurled it at his rotten head .
23 Then her face cleared ; when she had leaned across to kiss Richard she must have nudged it off , and no doubt she would find it in her car when he brought it back in the morning .
24 Somebody took a shot not at the President they could have killed him easily but knocked off a man who could have swung thirty votes in favour of a Berlin settlement .
25 If he had bumped into anyone worthy of half a mention he would have told us .
26 If I 'd have said , By the way at the end of this I have to take your photograph it would 've put you off .
27 If the crime had been other than murder he would have left it to his Scientific Officer assistant , not yet returned from a belated lunch .
28 And with Forest still at the bottom of the Premier League , Clough insisted : ‘ If I 'd waited to offer him the contract after Saturday he may have blown it .
29 This is necessary as a result of property writedown which would have left it in breach of its £350 million net worth banking covenant .
30 For a long time , Emerson simply failed to sign the contracts which would have kept him in front-rank racing .
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