Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In this case I can always be blamed . ’
2 ‘ I do n't think so , thank you , and of course I shall only be staying the one night , ’ she said very firmly .
3 ‘ When I finish playing football I 'll probably be coaching and be one of those still playing in Wimbledon 's reserves at 40 .
4 There were three filling stations side by side which could only be used with French credit cards , ’ said Mr Brown , a 48-year-old college lecturer , of Craven Vale .
5 Bernheim 's results suggested that he had found some substances which were good for tubercle bacilli , and , by applying the principle of competitive antagonism , he sought closely related compounds which would also be taken up by them but would block the pathway of the stimulants .
6 Lesion studies have their own problems of interpretation , while other methods which might conceivably be used to establish cerebral dominance , such as dichaptic stimulation and the dual-task technique , have not been validated nor widely adopted in experiments with large numbers of left handers .
7 ( a ) Have you discovered any methods which can now be used to investigate another text or author ?
8 This sort of personal experience adds a potent deterrent effect to more objective considerations which may already be swaying lenders against a particular group or class of potential customers .
9 Other safe forms of investment which could then be considered for any capital your parent may have could also include the building societies , local authority bonds ( if she is prepared to leave her money untouched for a year or two ) , National Savings Certificates , Post Office Savings , the National Savings Bank and Trustee Savings Bank .
10 The strategy involves several steps which can usefully be discussed within a fivefold typology .
11 Strong words which no one would contradict with confidence , even if despair was regarded as an emotion which should never be admitted .
12 MicroPROLOG lends itself particularly well to the construction of databases which can then be interrogated in a number of different ways .
13 On the other hand , if an individual or organization already owns a share on which options may be purchased , and a liability is expected to rise within the near future which can only be met by the sale of the shares , the cash flow from that sale may be secured by the purchase of put options .
14 Observe the completely different effect produced by replacing the adjectives in ( 1 ) by the corresponding adverbs , as in : ( 28 ) Ellen shook the keys loosely muzak drives them madly And contrast the two sentences of ( 29 ) ( b ) : ( 29 ) ( a ) what did the new system do to the motors ? ( b ) the new system made the motors quieter the new system made the motors more quietly 5.4 Let us now return to the matter of the resultative nuance which can indeed be observed in all the examples we have given , reproducing the structural diagrams ( 21 ) and ( 22 ) to do so : ( 21 ) ( 22 ) If these diagrams represent the relations actually used in constructing such expressions , it follows that the entity of the noun phrase , as initially present to the mind of the speaker ( and to that of the listener in the final interpretative phase of comprehension ) lacks the property of the adjective since it is structurally separated from it ; however , since that property is expressed by an adjective , then ex hypothesi it will apply to the entity of the noun phrase when the construction is taken as a whole ; if not , then either the property would be expressed by an adverb , and apply to the verb , or the whole construction would be literally incoherent .
15 But they also raise important issues about the role of the judiciary which can only be assessed in the light of a consideration of the proper role and function of judicial review , which will be undertaken in Part IV .
16 Earlier , Conte had defended his decision to limit to two the number of political parties which would initially be allowed to function under the promised multiparty system , saying that the CMRN rejected " both any anarchic multiparty system that divides the people , and a single party that leads to individual or group dictatorship " .
17 The buyer 's concerns here are that these items be properly used and cared for by the seller , that they be used only for the purposes of the sub-contract ( ie that the seller does not use them to make goods for third parties which can then be sold by them in competition with the buyer ) , and that they be returned to him at the end of the sub-contract .
18 Continuity was assured by the performance becoming enshrined in a religious ritual which could never be broken for fear of offending the gods .
19 The blurred boundaries of public and private have created many new ethical dilemmas for managers and also increased the possibilities for corruption and misuse of public funds which can only be addressed by clear working principles and codes of procedure .
20 Each step in the viral life cycle is catalysed by enzymes from the infected cell which would normally be performing similar tasks in the life cycle of the cell .
21 He explained that what makes the document confidential is the fact that the creator of the document has used his brain and thus arrived at a result which can only be produced by somebody who goes through the same process .
22 It was their own indolence which had landed them with a murder which could probably be explained and might even have been prevented , if they had taken a bit more trouble .
23 A better and more organised way of handling the music feed , though , is to pre-record it onto a cued sound tape which can then be fed to the mixer non-stop .
24 When an act or omission involving fault which might otherwise be regarded as founding an action occurs , there must , in order for such act or omission to be regarded as negligent , be then and there in existence some legal person to sue or be sued .
25 The message from gays and lesbians living in rural Ireland was one of a sense of isolation which might aptly be tackled through the medium of film , which has the potential to act as a focus for the many people geographically isolated and thus tongue-tied by virtue of their isolation .
26 As the season of goodwill gets into full swing , Jill Papworth looks at some presents which will still be appreciated on Boxing Day .
27 As the season of goodwill gets into full swing , Jill Papworth looks at some presents which will still be appreciated on Boxing Day .
28 Well the plain fact of the matter was Chairman there were there were none to quote to him and erm we see the the structure plan Policy E two er as fulfilling a bridging role between national policy and the more specific guidance which would necessarily be contained in local plans .
29 This allows you to set up a different sound by altering the mid emphasis , coupled with selectable additional boost which can then be triggered by either the front panel ‘ enable ’ switch or via a footswitch .
30 daysack large enough to hold climbing gear which can also be used for lightweight weekend walking/backpacking .
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