Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then she was in another bedroom which could only be Luke 's , and on the chest by the window lay the passport .
2 Every one of her senses sharpened to its utmost Gina entered a world as unreal and beautiful as Tivoli itself , mindlessly letting conscious thought give way to pure sensation , as his voice caressed her ears with words which could only be endearments , husky and broken .
3 In the long term there may even be Nicholson 's pubs appearing in the business centres of other cities .
4 But afterwards he felt depressed , and a bit ill , and there was a nagging pain in his chest which could either be indigestion or the start of a heart attack .
5 Acts which would otherwise be trespass are not so when justification is provided by law .
6 In many companies there would undoubtedly be scope for reducing staff , or at any rate switching resources to more productive tasks , bearing in mind that the system reduces recruitment administration to one tenth of the time required under a manual system .
7 I know the other ladies will understand — but for our leading lady there can only be orchids ! ’
8 Measurements of lichen thalli on surfaces of known dates can be basis for growth curve which can then be basis for indicating age of other surfaces .
9 Throughout the field investigation there will obviously be exchanges of information between the engineering , operational , flight recorder and pathological investigators , and for the first few days at least there will be regular meetings for mutual consultation at the end of each day 's work .
10 In any classroom there will always be aspects of the classroom encounter , the play of personality , the tactics of expedient interaction , which will defy the reduction to generality .
11 In addition to the cake there would probably be trifle , gloriously awash with sherry and cream and as heavily decorated as a Russian general .
12 By the time we get to your place it 'll almost be Kirsty 's bedtime .
13 All the rule books seem to say you must wear some sort of jacket — the BSJA naturally stipulate the colours — and in some classes it should even be tweed .
14 That one day I 'll just be history , like the rest …
15 Provisions which will probably be conditions from the beginning deal with aspects such as the time for delivery and the description of the actual computer concerned .
16 First , we need to have more control and accountability for our clinical practice ; second we need to further develop our analytical skills to make us more confident and effective members of the multidisciplinary team , and third , by appreciating the managerial themes in our work we should be better equipped to establish constructive dialogues with our managers who may now be non-nurses .
17 The betting industry needs to shake off its dowdy appearance and attract customers who will still be customers in the 21st century .
18 ‘ With many people 's desires to move being delayed or not taking place because of job and housing difficulties there may well be demands to make cities more acceptable or even attractive places to live , ’ said Miss Hughes .
19 In addition to distribution of juice there will also be juice on sale .
20 In addition to distribution of juice there will also be juice on sale .
21 Also , she wondered if the taxi firms kept any kind of record of their more regular late-night destinations ; if she had to rely on drivers ' memories then there would n't be much hope , since on the evidence of the previous night they 'd mostly be part-timers with a high turnover .
22 But while Yorkshire fail on the field there will always be discontent , and Boycott , after a period in which he appeared to have submerged himself in a media career , may head the opposition once more .
23 You will also have to allow for the time lag between installation and productive use which will probably be months rather than weeks or days .
24 ‘ I have in mind the fact that it was not seriously disputed , at any stage during the election , that eight out of 10 families would gain as a result of Labour 's tax and spending proposals ; and yet a number of people who would undoubtedly be beneficiaries of what we were proposing appear not to have recognised that . ’
25 So I have to say that though I at this moment very close to this in the smallest county of England I have also had experience in three other major counties in mainland England er and I have found the same experience the difficulty of finding people who will even be councillors or magistrates , let alone these other jobs that the er that the er Home Secretary seeks to find .
26 In urban area there may well be mechanisms in place five against , so on and so forth to , to sort out these problems .
27 The new Council hoped to provide evidence of unity by having unified positions on public questions and unified activities on the assumption that where there is smoke there must also be fire .
28 The unseemly haste is dictated not merely by the Government 's electoral timetable , but by the fear that if the measure is given proper time for debate there will also be time for the real , but as yet nascent , concerns of Tory Back Benchers and their constituents to grow and mature .
29 How had it happened , this tragedy of falling in love with a man who could never be part of her destiny ?
30 Of course we are ; if we were n't rude Americans we 'd still be colonists , so tough shit !
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