Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [modal v] seem [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 You will also have to be prepared to overlook sudden flashes of anger or periods of irritability which may seem to be aimed at you but which are much more likely to be an expression of her natural resentment of the disaster that has befallen her .
2 Apart from the restraint of trade considerations there would seem to be no reason why a contract under which one person undertakes to keep silent on a particular subject should not be enforceable in accordance with its terms .
3 While there is some research activity in linking statistical models to GIS there would seem to be scope for further applications of operations research techniques to GIS problems .
4 If necessary , such a person could then be sent on a suitable training course to learn any technical skills which might seem to be appropriate .
5 They have effects which would seem to be self-defeating and counter-effective , and are probably in contradiction with the United Nations ’ own principles concerning the freedoms of information and knowledge .
6 For such a contention there would seem to be not a shred of evidence .
7 This provides that : There follows a set of four rules specifying which law is to apply , depending on the nature of the equipment There would seem to be no gaps here .
8 And since the water authorities are enforcement agencies they also control to a very great degree what may seem to be some sort of ‘ real level ’ of pollution which comes to light in amount and kind — those events or incidents which are detected and processed , becoming statistics of non-compliance or even , in some rare cases , of prosecutions in annual reports .
9 The modes which he adopted were such as to licence elisions and lacunae , to enable him to leave out bits of his life — a procedure which would seem to be connected with his scepticism about what can be known about people by biographers .
10 This perception in itself is , of course , sufficient to predispose youths to the influence of seniors who would seem to be able to help in the realization of the ambition .
11 All those sublime thoughts , which tower above the clouds , and reach as high as Heaven itself , take their rise and footing here : in all that great extent wherein the mind wanders , in those remote speculations it may seem to be elevated with , it stirs not one jot beyond those ideas , which Sense or Reflection , have offered .
12 After his sexual initiation by a barmaid in an outback pub , while his father was drinking downstairs ( at an age which would seem to be about twelve and a half — but Greg felt the incident had been brought forward significantly , from a feeling that the narrative pace of the opening pages was already flagging ) , Gerald Seymour-Strachey went on to a variety of girls ( occasionally called ‘ girlies ’ ) and later women .
13 Moreover , in this particular case the justices were hearing this application on 27 January 1992 against the background which included the making of a full care order on 15 May 1991 , an order which , as I have already indicated , was made after hearing submissions by the guardian ad litem and by the local authority which might seem to be in marked distinction to the submissions being made now , only a few months later .
14 If there was any time when radical land reform would have succeeded , it was during nineteen forty eight to nineteen forty nine , and it 's precisely that time looking into an area which would seem to be the most favourable for radical land reform , they have not taken that opportunity .
15 In many situations there would seem to be an obvious need for a CD approach to health care , professionals and communities working together to increase communities ' hold over a precarious existence , tackling causes rather than symptoms .
16 Since motorways fit this same description they would seem to be the perfect location .
17 Maybe his fish and chips and his welding background are not what they were looking for , though in Middlesbrough they would seem to be born for each other .
18 From the air it might seem to be an ideal landing-strip .
19 And in its current form it would seem to be leading , at both regional and local level , to an increasingly unequal national geography ( Martin , 1988 ) .
20 But when we turn to the input systems there would seem to be no choice but to use the language of ‘ representations ’ .
21 Lakoff is a feminist , and her explanation of women 's language is not like Jespersen 's , however much the language itself may seem to be .
22 With the uncertainty caused by the break-up of the Soviet empire it would seem to be very unwise to drop our defences .
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