Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And in his yellow eyes I could see only hate and evil .
2 At one stage in the lineage , for example , there is a cell which can produce either granulocytes or macrophages , and the decision to follow a macrophage or granulocyte pathway can be controlled by the concentration of a protein factor which , if the concentration is high enough , will direct differentiation exclusively along the macrophage pathway .
3 If you are not yet sure of your reply you should clear both fields and TAB to the next task mail message or leave the option .
4 In this chapter we will consider only vacuum solutions .
5 A random sample of herds might indicate that 40% of them are grazing on marginal land ; but if animals were the unit of study we might find only 20% of animals to be on marginal grazing , i.e. the 40% of herds are the smaller ones accounting for only 20% of the cattle .
6 We believe that a Conservative Government , putting the provision of homes above the sanctity of unpractical doctrines , could stimulate a rate of building which would rise rapidly year by year .
7 The hon. Member for Dunfermline , East ( Mr. Brown ) criticised the £8 billion of profits from the various companies which would yield about £2 billion or £2.5 billion of taxation to the Exchequer .
8 You will need the same heading allowance as for pinch pleats if it is to be made up as a curtain heading , but for making a valance you will need only 1.5cm ( ½in ) for the heading allowance .
9 At nineteen Shallot was virtuous , a prosperous man soon to be a merchant prince who would show both Master Benjamin and the great Wolsey that he could rise without their help .
10 Bass , which produces Carling lager , will invest £3m per season over four seasons to be shared equally among the 22 clubs who will receive about £150,000 each season .
11 For a pair of tie bands you will need approximately 40cm ( 16in ) of outer fabric and lining , ( use the wastage between pattern repeats for both outer fabric and lining where possible ) ; pelmet buckram 45cm ( 18in ) wide to the length of the band ; approximately 30cm ( 12in ) bump to soften the buckram ; two tie-back hooks and two small rings .
12 They covered her nakedness with an apron of figleaves , and punished her sexuality with pain and oppression : ‘ In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children ; and thy desire shall be to thy husband , and he shall rule over thee ’ .
13 As a social group they could record both gains and losses from war , and there has been some debate among historians about how far a balance sheet can be struck for the country as a whole , whether England gained or lost from its military operations .
14 And then with the five pennies we could say well penny between you two , penny between you two , another penny between you two , between you two , an .
15 For this reason you are not asked questions which would require only knowledge , as this would be solely a test of memory .
16 For example , a larger combination microwave which may cost over £3500 is ideal for turning over consistently large batches .
17 Between Ulthuan and Naggaroth there can exist only war unto the death .
18 This override may even enable you to make full picture fades ; alternatively , you may have the facility of a separate fade button which will fade both picture and sound simultaneously .
19 Er now if you broke a window , this was the sort o how we used to get into trouble we should play maybe football or rounders or cricket or something and we 'd break somebody 's window .
20 We may write this equation as unc Equation ( 5 ) is known as a parametric solution : since we have only n — s independent relations we can determine only n — s unknowns ( y ) in terms of the remaining s quantities ( z ) , which may be regarded as arbitrary parameters in the problem .
21 Scottish Nuclear will play a major role in a conference to be staged at the Moat House Hotel , Glasgow , between 8 and 10 September which will bring together specialists in ‘ Modelling and Simulation in the Nuclear Industry ’ from all over Europe .
22 But there are national interests which may override even City interests , for a time , at any rate .
23 In a concluding press conference Bush stated that both countries formed " a family " and had agreed to proceed with negotiations to achieve a US-Mexico free trade treaty which would benefit both economies and increase their competitiveness on a world level .
24 ‘ Where a statutory provision on one interpretation brings about a startling and inequitable result , this may lead the court to seek another possible interpretation which will do better justice . ’
25 That evening I went to see an old friend ( that is , old in years ) in case out of the experience of a long life she might bring forth words of wisdom .
26 Using the above information for Commercial Union we may calculate both betas and covariances from first principles .
27 If a small child is asked to group a set of objects he may gather together items according to their colour ( for example , all brown objects ) or according to their normal use ( for example , all cutlery ) .
28 Leaving aside for the moment differences in personal qualities and skills , which may or may not vary with the curriculum , it would seem that graduates who can offer both expertise and ability are in the strongest employment position , those who offer either one or the other may also find a job niche , but that those who offer neither are worst off .
29 Now in the Rumbelows Cup final they will meet either Middlesbrough or Manchester United .
30 ‘ It 's the one thing he can outflank both Baker and Heseltine on . ’
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