Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [be] [adv] [verb] when " in BNC.

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1 The tensions and anxieties which are inevitably entailed when a more or less racially homogeneous society becomes multi-racial are displaced on to a solitary figure — the leering bootboy .
2 Consequently , the pattern of dividend payouts for firms which follow some target may resemble a ratchet effect which is only broken when the firm 's performance is bad for several consecutive periods .
3 A part-time soldier who was nearly killed when a grenade exploded just six feet from him celebrated his 50th birthday at home .
4 Two teenagers who were badly injured when a horse bolted are to begin a legal fight for compensation .
5 There followed a time of uncertainty and bloodshed which was eventually resolved when the republic developed into an empire with Augustus as its first emperor from 27 B.C. The Augustan period from then until his death in A.D. 14 was one of the great and successful ages of man and , architecturally , this is reflected in the many great buildings which were erected under the auspices of Augustus whose boast was that when he came to Rome it was a city of bricks but that he left it a city of marble .
6 a specially coded hyphen which is only displayed when formatting of the hyphenated word puts it at the end of a line .
7 Lothar Späth resigned as CDU Minister President of Baden-Württemberg on Jan. 13 following allegations ( which he denied ) that a number of his and his family 's vacations had been financed by local companies which were then favoured when contracts were awarded .
8 Gabriel popped up out of his barrel to see the brawl which was just beginning when suddenly everyone froze , as if a wizard had cast a spell over them .
9 Does he recall that before 1979 the Tories said that they would maintain the value of the retirement pension in line with rising living standards — a pledge which was promptly broken when they took office ?
10 And the next person who 's still talking when no you 're not .
11 A Russian-Dzhungar struggle ensued over the Ob-Irtysh area which was only ended when the Chinese Empire crushed the Dzhungars .
12 ‘ Form follows function ’ is a phrase which is often used when discussing organisational structures .
13 A milkman who was temporarily blinded when superglue was squirted into his eyes , has given up his job .
14 A milkman who was temporarily blinded when superglue was squirted into his eyes , has given up his job .
15 In the wooden fortress they were still feasting when the princess 's army came in sight .
16 Another favourite is The Bill which is usually starting when I get in from training .
17 I got home that night full of excitement , a state which was quickly changed when my mother discovered that I was well and truly inundated with horse fleas .
18 Nevertheless , in view of the controversy which was later to follow when illness brought my own tenure of office to an end , it is perhaps worth rehearsing the true story .
19 The government has managed , by and large , to restore public order which was notably lacking when it took over in April 1992 .
20 Silk is also used as a foundation material ; it is extremely strong , keeps its shape , and can be spun into very fine strands , but because of its cost it is only used when exceptionally fine knotting is required .
21 It was not only the blow of failing to win power , and with it all hopes of a Scottish parliament , but also the fact that Labour lost votes and a seat in Scotland — facts which are conveniently forgotten when home-rulers and guardians of the party 's traditional totems blame failure in the south for Labour 's lack of achievement in the north .
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