Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [adv] [vb past] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She did n't turn up , so of course I then telephoned her office and found she had n't been there that week .
2 For ten minutes I never saw my float as the fish cruised up and down .
3 So rather than have er two cars plus a company car I just sold my car .
4 CASE STUDY 5.1 — MRS Y. For example , Mrs Y. was a nervous anxious woman , whose husband had a cerebral haemorrhage , resulting in a stroke which particularly affected his arm and his speech .
5 At best it was a snobbery which wholly overlooked his timing , eye and exactitude of judgment and imagery .
6 What matters is the record of action which actually followed his visit to Klagenfurt .
7 Baron von Munchausen was an eighteenth-century Hanoverian soldier who greatly exaggerated his prowess in war — and his battle-scars .
8 Some of the objets d'art were bought on her orders , at home and abroad ; others she prised out of rich Iranians who often found her acquisitiveness on behalf of the country irksome but impossible to resist .
9 Though he published little under his sole name , the best testimony to his erudition is to be found in the prefaces of numerous books on Mozart by both English and foreign authors who readily acknowledged his guidance .
10 Like some naughty child who 's been caught playing a prank she just kept her head low , staring at the floor .
11 Ballymoney equalised just two minutes later when Danny Graham slid the ball to the unmarked Michael Neill who then drilled his shot into the roof of the Cookstown net .
12 When they introduced computers they also taught her typing and keyboard skills .
13 After a few years in atomic energy research he then discovered his vocation as teacher and enthusiast as a lecturer in chemistry at Birkenhead Technical College , where he also voluntarily taught about theatre , literature and music in a humanities section .
14 At this stage he had been in contention behind McCallen and Dunlop and even after his restart he still clawed his way back into the leading group .
15 For the first four months he also funded his salary out of personal savings .
16 These were the copper sheathing which greatly reduced the fouling of their bottoms by weeds and the loss of speed this entailed ; and the carronade which greatly increased their fighting power .
17 The woman was well built too , and the man had a very large stomach and was wearing a baggy shirt which just covered his belly .
18 It was his ability to achieve that power and well-being which alone justified his despotism .
19 Maybe the parties foolishly signed a pact which then found its way into the hands of the DTI .
20 It would be inappropriate , however , to avoid the general subject of birth control , since it was this very question which ostensibly destroyed his ambition to lead the Conservative Party , and indeed , to be prime minister .
22 Similarly another teacher felt that she should give firm scolding to an extremely active young boy who continually left his place during story time .
23 Putting aside his choice of partner , the lady who publicly declared her support for the barbaric practice of ‘ necklacing ’ those who step out of line , there is his friendship with Col Gaddafi , who is said to have paid the bill for the ANC leader 's recent tour of North Africa , as well as contributing $135,000 to Mrs Mandela 's defence .
24 Balbinder was 3 years old when I first started visiting the house , a very sociable child who eagerly awaited my arrival and the chance to play with the bag of toys I always brought with me .
25 The Supreme Court charged Cerda himself with ‘ lack of discipline ’ , suspended him on half pay for two months , and replaced him by another judge who dutifully closed his case .
26 Dawn was an attractive , lively girl who thoroughly enjoyed her work as a bank clerk , and whose social life centred on her favourite sports , hockey and tennis .
27 I think that what happened was that a lot of traditional union members , that is , the white , heterosexual male stewards who normally formed its backbone , for once took a back-seat , and allowed us to get on with it — to organize in our own way which we did .
28 Holding the crouched , double-axe-hand attack position , Angel One consciously slowed his breathing .
29 Lucille herself never used her title , but she knew Sharpe was perversely proud of it and must have informed the Prince of its existence .
30 I knew the rule well enough , but in that split second it never entered my head .
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