Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] that the " in BNC.

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1 Watch out for log books which tell you that the first owner was Engineering Educational Trust .
2 That day they encountered an Armenian priest who informed them that the mountain towards which they were heading had never been ascended and , moreover , never would be .
3 She looked again for Pete , but Pete was no longer there ; and now she could hear a scattering of spontaneous applause — applause ! — and a few cheers and whistles which told her that the host had finally arrived on the scene .
4 None of them seemed to include the tube in their itineraries , but there was some useful advice on how to secure the best berths on a Nile river cruiser and an interesting complaint about the lack of leg room on Concorde which assured him that the R and the F of this world had to contend with life 's little niggles just like everybody else .
5 He said he was in contact with the Chief Constable of Warrington who told him that the Ball family would welcome him at the funeral , but only as a private individual .
6 Second he tells us that the classical paradises , which you can read about it in ancient authors , none of them are as fine as the Garden of Eden .
7 Fairfax should now say to the assembled Masai : ‘ Whatever happens to her she will always remember that it was the Masai who showed her that the human race shares one , universal , spirit . ’
8 Two reporters in particular , Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward of the Washington Post , had already begun an investigation which convinced them that the operation had been planned by officials much higher up than Liddy ; and even more important , that a deliberate attempt was being made in the White House to cover up the whole matter .
9 He was awakened by a seaman who told him that the ship would not be leaving for seven days , and there would be no place for him to hide as timber was being loaded under German supervision .
10 My Warwick is currently being serviced by a luthier in Holbury who tells me that the truss rod needs replacing because it is beginning to shear .
11 We met one of the Medics who informed me that the bodies of Les and the other three Commandos had been taken through the village and laid out with the other dead in front of the Chateau .
12 Which is where everything starts to fuck up , because the moment we turn our attention to Herr Mayer he tells us that the money he used to pay the Iranians was put up by the son of a well-known local citizen . ’
13 At any rate anybody who buys The Best of Boulestin should be warned to pay no attention to the announcement on the jacket which informs us that the book contains a selection of the best recipes of a " World-Famous Chef " .
14 We were woken a few minutes before one o'clock in the morning by a phone call from a friend who told us that the insistent thudding we could hear was American artillery fire .
15 At the barrier at Gatwick , I was met by a friendly policeman who told me that the injuries were not as bad as had at first been thought , and that none of my family was in danger — news which immediately reduced me to tears .
16 Eddy himself lives in Oxford , and this morning he told me that the final piece of his Formula One jigsaw fell into place recently with a major sponsorship deal from soft drink manufacturers , Seven Up .
17 My Lord there is a final part of our submission on on this is because I do n't know whether your Lordship has a copy of the report this is the report of the fact that My Lord erm what I wish to refer you to if I may , is erm that paragraph three one of the report which is erm that solicitors and er he instructed himself er from the law society who told him that the law society in paragraph three page five , do n't issue any specific directional guidance duty of care in relation to the plaintiffs transaction , the Law Society view obligation to be have to be considered on the basis of and he then goes on from there to depart from that approach to speculate as to what his approach would be erm
18 We met in Bologna and while discussing the painting I informed him that the original had turned up at Wildenstein 's in New York , and had recently been sold to a New York private collector and that an article of mine was in proof , publishing the New York picture as the original .
19 It could well and easily be replaced by a doctrine which has it that the surgeon 's act carries liability only if good faith and due care and skill can be shown to be lacking .
20 In April he told him that the next war had already started .
21 ‘ It was Paulo who told you that the owner of the house painted tiles ? ’
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