Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] to the " in BNC.

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1 Various items get gulped up into my mouth , and after skilful massage with tongue and teeth I transfer them to the plate for additional sculpture with knife and fork and spoon .
2 I did n't approve of what he was doing , but if I refused his money I would be more and more visible , so I took it , and when he had gone off in relief back towards the dining car I gave it to the barman .
3 The car which took us to the station drove as sedately as a Daimler in a royal procession although the people of Amsterdam were on their way to work and provided admirable subjects for baiting .
4 A vast impenetrable openness which froze him to the spot where he was as if he was caught in ice .
5 She and her husband were met at the station by a small open carriage which took them to the palace .
6 Leaving aside the Prologue and the short Un-accompanied duet for Peter and Ellen which links it to the first act proper , each of the three acts is prefaced by an orchestral " interlude " , and there are three more of these interludes separating the scenes within the acts .
7 In fact the victims were mainly the families of senior military officers and the Ba'ath party officials , and the walkie-talkies were being used by the drivers who took them to the shelter .
8 But Durie still feels uncomfortable at the club who backed him to the hilt in wiping out the damaging ‘ cheat ’ slur .
9 They bound the restaurant owner , who moaned feebly and thrashed about a bit ; then with Lambert 's aid they hoisted him to the high seat .
10 In the spring he took him to the house in Normandy .
11 Over coffee we heard another interesting anecdote about The Kings Head which brought it to the forefront of media attention last year .
12 One of the best known names in football has been teaching a group of schoolchildren some of the skills which took him to the top of the game .
13 This I did at once with a feeling of self-importance which blinded me to the now obvious fact that she was abrogating her responsibilities and allowing them to devolve , once more , upon her eldest daughter .
14 The first of two holidays they spent together was on a cruise ship , the SS Romantica which took them to the Greek Islands .
15 It was only after the demise of the ruling reptiles that the class had the opportunity to capitalize on the evolutionary advantages which propelled them to the dominance they have enjoyed ever since .
16 Two seasons ago , they beat Sparta Prague 2-0 in Czechoslovakia , then drew 0-0 in Napoli on a European Cup run which took them to the semi-finals .
17 The mockery could n't disguise the aggressive determination which chilled her to the bone .
18 Her vigorous intensity made a virtue of the circumstances which confined her to the classroom .
19 A month later my parents were met on the open plain outside Addis Ababa by Lord Herbert Hervey and a deputation of Abyssinian notables who escorted them to the Legation , at some distance to the east of the town , in an extensive compound at the foot of the Entoto hills .
20 John Major scholarship boy who made it to the local grammar school and was lucky to obtain patronage from the local squire .
21 The question raised by the Law Lords on the Circuit who referred it to the High Court was whether despite being deaf and dumb and uneducated , did the defendant know the difference between right and wrong , did she know that a consequence of guilt was punishment , and did she have the power of communicating her thoughts ?
22 There it was bought by an unidentified lady who lent it to the religious Society where it has been ever since .
23 With cords and pitons they anchored him to the rock .
24 A row erupted and when they reached Craylands he threw her to the ground and blasted her twice with a shotgun .
25 After lunch he took her to the shops in the wide , tree-lined avenues , and though from time to time she was out of his sight she had no doubt whatever that he still thought she would rush off to telegraph news to her magazine if she got half a chance .
26 All he could see of the lifeboat was her searchlight beam , and with that as his only reference he guided her to the scene .
27 Then why can t you take her to the sea ?
28 Alexander , his third son , was educated at Harrow and Cambridge where he met , as well as Manners , Benjamin Webb who introduced him to the Cambridge Camden Society .
29 The road was owned by Mr Dalison who gave it to the parish , in 1892 and it was made up at the cost of £40 and the improvements to the cemetery cost a further £21 140 .
30 The big dog had snapped it from his fingers eagerly enough , but after rolling it around in her mouth a few times she spat it to the floor and pawed at it , growling and sniffing her distaste .
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