Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] [verb] that it " in BNC.

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1 Mr Whinnett said : ‘ I am not a psychiatrist , but if someone has been through a traumatic experience I have to consider that it could happen .
2 It is the key to the success of many effective organizations who have found that it is a sound long term investment .
3 It was so different from other Christmases I had known that it ought to have remained like a beacon in my mind , but I know that my strongest memory of Christmas will always be bound up with a certain little cat .
4 From our experience with the weather conditions of the North of Scotland we had decided that it was impracticable to operate the cutters up there in winter .
5 Britain should therefore not hesitate to use whatever powers and diplomatic skills she possesses to ensure that it does not come about .
6 It was n't that she had ever made a conscious decision to play the helpless female ; she just always looked as though she was in constant need of care and attention , and over the years she had found that it was far easier to allow people to think what they liked , because whenever she tried to be assertive , or explain that she was really quite competent , no one ever believed her .
7 Darwin seemed near a solution in the first edition of The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex , but by the second edition he had decided that it was a problem best left ‘ for the future ’ .
8 We had originally intended to freeze our budget at precisely the level that it has been at the last two years for a variety of reasons we have decided that it is sensible to actually bring it down yet further .
9 The legislation does therefore not set up any presumption in the employee 's favour ; rather it is for him as claimant to lead evidence which tends to establish that it is more likely than not the employer gained from possession of the patent .
10 This notion , that gender inequality is thus almost irrelevant for mainstream sociological theorizing , has met with an onslaught of criticism by writers who have argued that it is inappropriate to take the family as the unit of analysis in such a way .
11 This circumstance encourages me to hope that you may , if you have any opening for such a youth , be willing to take George , who is exceedingly desirous of obtaining the situation — or indeed any situation which through industry and a desire of improvement may hereafter insure a creditable independence ; but , above all things he seems to wish that it may be possible for you to take him into a situation similar to that which was offered to his Brother .
12 When I 'd checked the pin positions in the morning I 'd decided that it was going to be someone already under par who would be in a position to win next day as opposed to someone coming through the field , because I just could n't see anybody scoring well .
13 Last week he had hinted that it might be better to get an agreement by the time of the next European Parliament elections in June 1994 .
14 But the legislation does make it clear that they will be operating in a Church which has declared that it is right to ordain women to the Priesthood and does so ordain them .
15 I agree with hon. Members who have said that it may prove to be a major step towards the valuable goal of greater unity in Europe , but let us face the fact that it changes nothing in today 's world .
16 We 're off er well York this funny thing I got to see that it all goes through for my dad .
17 Throughout this book I have suggested that it is important , in training children , to convey a reasonably coherent idea of the aims and objects that lie behind the training and supervision .
18 There is an anarchic , bloody-minded streak in British public taste which likes to feel that it is striking out on its own with idiosyncratic preferences and non-conforming views .
19 However , this has to be made compatible with Marx 's claim that knowledge is produced in thought ( it is a thought-object ) a statement which seems to imply that it is , after all , produced by individuals .
20 We hope that by employing non-discriminatory usage in this book we have shown that it is possible and easy to adopt another style .
21 Until he reached five degrees he had found that it turned easily , through long use … but now it became stiff and awkward .
22 Talking about Hamlets , I need another quotation before I begin my travels , for when it comes to research into English I have found that it is rarely possible to predict the end-point of the journey when one starts out , or whether one 's road leads anywhere at all .
23 Clara was not at all sure what a gallery was , but from the conversation she managed to deduce that it dealt in paintings , and unlike the Tate and the National Gallery , dealt commercially .
24 On a number of occasions you have said that it is your belief that any initiatives being announced by the Government by way of statement are best announced to the House .
25 In this section we have seen that it is usually possible to reduce the number of accesses to synonyms by loading first the records most frequently accessed .
26 He had no intention of ‘ Gothicizing ’ the neighbouring buildings , and he was not going to demolish the State Paper Office for this reason , as Palmerston had implied , although like the other competitors he had assumed that it would be removed .
27 He had not been serious , and although she had thought herself in love with him at the time he had known that it would be a mistake for them to marry — even if Burun , who was her father , had been prepared to permit such a thing .
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